 | crossFilterValues |
Gets or sets any cross filter values which should be passed along with any hierarchyService.getMembers(..) call.
Setting this property will cause a refresh.
 | firstSelectableLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the first selectable level index is for the user.
 | firstSelectableParentMember |
Gets or sets a value what the first selectable parent member value is for the user.
This must be specified if isUnSelectableTopLevelsHidden is set to true and firstSelectableLevel is specified.
 | hierarchy |
Gets the hierarchy.
 | isUnSelectableTopLevelsHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether levels above the firstSelectableLevel are shown or not.
If this is set to true, then firstSelectableParentMember must be set.
 | lastSelectableLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the last selectable level index is for the user.
 | lastVisibleLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the last visible level index is for the user.
 | selectedMember |
Gets or sets the currently selected member.