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dundas.controls.ChartAxis Class

Plots data along one of the chart's dimensions.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes a new instance of the ChartAxis class.


  Name Description
actualFormatString Gets the current effective format string applied to the axis labels.
actualIsMinMaxRounded Gets a value indicating whether the minimum and maximum values of the scale are currently rounded, which may be different than the value of isMinMaxRounded depending on the chart type.
actualIsStartedFromZero Gets a value indicating whether zero is always included in the range of the axis scale, which may be different than the value of isStartedFromZero depending on the chart type.
actualLabelInterval Gets the actual label interval value for scale elements.
actualLabelIntervalMethod Gets the actual label interval method for scale elements.
actualLabelIntervalOffset Gets the actual label interval offset value for scale elements.
actualLabelIntervalOffsetType Gets the actual label interval offset type for scale elements.
actualLabelIntervalType Gets the actual label interval type for scale elements.
actualMajorGridInterval Gets the actual major grid line interval value for scale elements.
actualMajorGridIntervalMethod Gets the actual major grid interval method for scale elements.
actualMajorGridIntervalOffset Gets the actual major grid line interval offset value for scale elements.
actualMajorGridIntervalOffsetType Gets the actual major grid interval offset type for scale elements.
actualMajorGridIntervalType Gets the actual major grid interval type for scale elements.
actualMajorTickInterval Gets the actual major tick line interval value for scale elements.
actualMajorTickIntervalMethod Gets the actual major tick interval method for scale elements.
actualMajorTickIntervalOffset Gets the actual major tick line interval offset value for scale elements.
actualMajorTickIntervalOffsetType Gets the actual major tick interval offset type for scale elements.
actualMajorTickIntervalType Gets the actual major tick interval type for scale elements.
actualMaximum Gets the maximum value used when the axis is quantitative or date/time. When the axis is categorical this property represents the number of categories shown on the axis.
actualMaximumMargin Gets the actual size of the axis maximum margin expressed as a percent of the axis length.
actualMaximumMarginPixels Gets the actual size of the axis maximum margin expressed in pixels.
actualMinimum Gets the minimum value used when the axis is quantitative or date/time. When the axis is categorical this property has no meaning.
actualMinimumMargin Gets the actual size of the axis minimum margin expressed as a percent of the axis length.
actualMinimumMarginPixels Gets the actual size of the axis minimum margin expressed in pixels.
actualMinorGridInterval Gets the actual minor grid line interval value for scale elements.
actualMinorGridIntervalMethod Gets the actual minor grid interval method for scale elements.
actualMinorGridIntervalOffset Gets the actual minor grid line interval offset value for scale elements.
actualMinorGridIntervalOffsetType Gets the actual minor grid interval offset type for scale elements.
actualMinorGridIntervalType Gets the actual minor grid interval type for scale elements.
actualMinorTickInterval Gets the actual minor tick line interval value for scale elements.
actualMinorTickIntervalMethod Gets the actual minor tick interval method for scale elements.
actualMinorTickIntervalOffset Gets the actual minor tick line interval offset value for scale elements.
actualMinorTickIntervalOffsetType Gets the actual minor tick interval offset type for scale elements.
actualMinorTickIntervalType Gets the actual minor tick interval type for scale elements.
actualScaleType Gets a value indicating the actual axis scale type, in case scaleType was not set.
actualTitle Gets the actual title text displayed for this axis, with any placeholder keywords replaced.
autoFormatString Gets the format string automatically determined based on the data currently assigned to this scale.
autoInterval Gets the actual scale interval where intervals are automatically calculated.
autoIntervalLowerLimit Gets or sets the lowest value that can be calculated as the automatic interval.
autoIntervalMethod Gets the interval method automatically determined by the current chart settings, to be used if a non-null interval method is not set.
autoIntervalMinimumLength Gets or sets the suggested minimum distance between labels, tick marks and grid lines displayed at regular intervals along the axis.
autoIntervalType Gets the automatically determined interval type.
autoMaximumLowerLimit Gets or sets the lowest value that can be calculated as the maximum.
autoMaximumUpperLimit Gets or sets the highest value that can be calculated as the maximum.
autoMinimumLowerLimit Gets or sets the lowest value that can be calculated as the minimum.
autoMinimumUpperLimit Gets or sets the highest value that can be calculated as the minimum.
autoMinorInterval Gets the actual minor scale element interval where minor intervals are automatically calculated.
axisType Gets or sets the axis type which determines its placement in the rectangular system.
chart Gets the chart this axis belongs to.
crossingPosition Gets or sets the position along this axis where intersecting axes should cross.
crossingValue Gets or sets the value according to which intersecting axes should be positioned along this axis if crossingPosition is value.
dataMaximum Gets the largest value contained in the data.
dataMinimum Gets the smallest value contained in the data.
defaultInterval Gets or sets the interval between labels, tick marks and grid lines if not already set for those elements.
defaultIntervalMethod Gets or sets the default method used to produce intervals for scale elements.
defaultIntervalOffset Gets or sets how far from the axis minimum to start positioning labels, tick marks and grid lines, if not already set for those elements.
defaultIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of the intervalOffset property.
defaultIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of the interval property.
desiredCrossingThickness Gets the desired thickness of the axis (i.e. the size perpendicular to the axis line) along the axis when it is placed inside the plotting area.
desiredPadding Gets the desired padding parallel to the axis at its ends required for the axis elements to fit within the chart.
desiredThickness Gets the desired thickness of the axis (i.e. the size perpendicular to the axis line) at the edge of or outside the plotting area.
dimension Gets the dimension type that this axis is used to represent.
elementsNextToAxis Gets or sets a value indicating whether tick marks and labels are displayed along the axis rather than outside the plotting area when the axis is inside.
firstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the first day of the week, used when representing weeks along the axis with a date/time scale.
hasAutoMargin Gets or sets a value indicating whether margins are added to the axis scale on either side of the range of data.
hasAutoMarginInterval Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic margins are considered part of the visible scale when generating axis elements such as labels, tick marks, and grid lines.
id Gets a unique value identifying this axis instance.
isFontLoading Gets a value indicating whether this axis is currently waiting for a font to be loaded by the browser before completing its drawing.
isHorizontal Gets a value indicating whether the axis is rendered horizontally.
isMinMaxRounded Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic minimum and maximum values are rounded such that they are evenly divisible by the automatic interval value and away from data values located at exactly the minimum or maximum.
isMissingDataSkipped Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis scale skips over values where there is no source data.
isReversed Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis minimum and maximum placement are reversed.
isStartedFromZero Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatically calculated minimum or maximum is 0 if all the data is greater than or less than zero, respectively.
isVertical Gets a value indicating whether the axis is rendered vertically.
isVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is rendered or not.
labelBillionsFormat Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers that are a multiple of a billion.
labelFormatString Gets or sets a string containing information on how to format the values of the axis as text for the axis labels.
labelInterval Gets or sets the interval to use for the axis label elements.
labelIntervalMethod Gets or sets the interval method to use for the labels.
labelIntervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset to use for the axis label elements.
labelIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of labelIntervalOffset.
labelIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of labelInterval.
labelMillionsFormat Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers that are a multiple of a million.
labelRows Gets the collection of axis label row settings.
labelStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis labels.
labelSymbol Gets or sets text to be displayed before or after the value in axis labels.
labelSymbolPlacement Gets or sets the placement of the added label symbol relative to the label text.
labelThousandsFormat Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers that are a multiple of a thousand.
labelTrillionsFormat Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers that are a multiple of a trillion.
length Gets the length of the axis in pixels.
location Gets the location of this axis relative to the chart plotting area.
logBase Gets or sets the base when using logarithmic scales.
majorGridInterval Gets or sets the interval to use for the axis major grid elements.
majorGridIntervalMethod Gets or sets the interval method to use for the axis major grid elements.
majorGridIntervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset to use for the axis major grid elements.
majorGridIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of majorGridIntervalOffset.
majorGridIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of majorGridInterval.
majorGridStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis major grid lines.
majorTickInterval Gets or sets the interval to use for the axis major tick elements.
majorTickIntervalMethod Gets or sets the interval method to use for the axis major tick elements.
majorTickIntervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset to use for the axis major tick mark elements.
majorTickIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of majorTickIntervalOffset.
majorTickIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of majorTickInterval.
majorTickStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis major tick marks.
maximum Gets or sets the maximum axis value when the axis is quantitative or date/time. When the axis is categorical this property represents the number of categories shown on the axis.
maximumAutoIntervalCount Gets the maximum number of intervals that can be automatically calculated.
maximumMargin Gets or sets the margin to add after the axis maximum expressed as a percentage of the axis length.
maximumMarginPixels Gets or sets the margin to add after the axis maximum expressed in pixels.
minimum Gets or sets the minimum axis value when the axis is quantitative or date/time. When the axis is categorical this property has no effect.
minimumMargin Gets or sets the margin to add before the axis minimum expressed as a percentage of the axis length.
minimumMarginPixels Gets or sets the margin to add before the axis minimum expressed in pixels.
minorGridInterval Gets or sets the interval to use for the axis minor line elements.
minorGridIntervalMethod Gets or sets the interval method to use for the axis minor grid elements.
minorGridIntervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset to use for the axis minor grid line elements.
minorGridIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of minorGridIntervalOffset.
minorGridIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of minorGridInterval.
minorGridStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis minor grid lines.
minorTickInterval Gets or sets the interval to use for the axis minor tick elements.
minorTickIntervalMethod Gets or sets the interval method to use for the axis minor tick elements.
minorTickIntervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset to use for the axis minor tick mark elements.
minorTickIntervalOffsetType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of minorTickIntervalOffset.
minorTickIntervalType Gets or sets the type of date or time period of the value of minorTickInterval.
minorTickStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis minor tick marks.
perpendicularMargin Gets or sets the perpendicular margin between this axis and the previous axis.
roundingType Gets or sets the type of rounding that should be applied to the minimum and maximum when rounded.
scaleType Gets or sets the type of scale to use on this axis.
stroke Gets or sets the brush used to draw the axis line.
strokeDashType Gets or sets the type of dashes drawn by the axis line stroke.
strokeOpacity Gets or sets the opacity of the axis line stroke.
strokeWidth Gets or sets the thickness of the stroke used to draw the axis.
title Gets or sets the title text for the axis. This can include placeholder keywords.
titleStyle Gets or sets the appearance settings for the axis title.
zIndex Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of axis elements in front of or behind other chart elements. Chart elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.


  Name Description
addAlignedAxis Aligns the specified axis with this axis.
clearAlignedAxes Removes all axes added as aligned axes.
dataValueToValue Converts a data source value to an axis value. This applies to some axis scale types such as categorical that position using different values.
dispose Disposes of all resources when the axis is no longer needed.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getAlignedAxes Gets the axes that were added as aligned to this axis instance.
getClusteredPosition Modifies the specified scale position to an axis position within a cluster of positions located around the value for the specified series.
getClusteredSize Gets the size relative to the axis length available to a data point series within a cluster of series around X axis values.
getNonClusteredPosition Modifies the specified axis position from within a cluster of positions located around the value for the specified series to the cluster center.
getPreviousNonClusteredPosition Modifies the specified axis position from within a cluster of positions located around the value for the specified series to the cluster center as of the positioning of the previous draw.
invalidate Ensures the chart is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when needed.
invalidateData Notifies this axis that the data assigned to it has changed.
isAlignedWith Gets a value indicating whether the specified axis has been added as an aligned axis with this instance.
pixelToSize Returns the axis-relative size that corresponds to the specified number of pixels.
positionToPixel Returns the pixel position relative to the start of the axis that corresponds to the specified axis position.
positionToValue Gets the value for the given axis position.
previousPixelToPosition Gets the axis-relative position for the previous arrangement that corresponds to the specified pixel position.
previousPositionToPixel Gets the pixel position relative to the start of the axis in the previous arrangement for the specified axis position.
previousPositionToValue Gets the value for the given axis position.
removeAlignedAxis Removes the specified axis from the axes aligned with this axis.
sizeToPixel Returns the pixel length for a specified axis-relative size value.
toString Returns a string representation of this object.
valueToDataValue Converts an axis value to the original data source value, for some scales such as categorical that position using different values.
valueToPositionInfo Gets the axis position information for the given value.
valueToPreviousPositionInfo Gets the axis position for the specified value at its previously-arranged position.