| axisType |
Gets or sets the axis type the viewport is relative to.
| endValue |
Gets the axis value where the viewport ends.
| isAutoZoomedToEnd |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scrollbar is initially scrolled to the end when automatically
zooming into a specified range of the axis.
| isScrollBarVisible |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scrollbar is visible for panning along this viewport
when zoomed in.
| maxVisibleCategories |
Gets or sets the maximum number of categories to display at a time when categorical data is changed, with
the rest accessed by scrolling.
| maxVisibleRange |
Gets or sets a value identifying a range of values along the axis to automatically zoom into, with the
rest accessed by scrolling.
| maxVisibleRangePromise |
Gets or sets a jQuery.Promise returning a start date or array of two dates identifying a range
of values along the axis to automatically zoom into.
| scrollBarThumbFill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the scrollbar track.
| scrollBarTrackFill |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the scrollbar track.
| scrollBarWidth |
Gets or sets the size perpendicular to the axis of the scroll bar in pixels.
| startValue |
Gets the axis value where the viewport ends.