CodeLibraryDialog Constructor

Initializes the CodeLibraryDialog. Called during construction.



Type: Object
(optional) The options object for the creation of the dialog. Structure:
     codeLibraryId       [type: String]      - (optional) The existing code library ID that's being edited. If null, then it's assumed it's a new code library.

     contentType         [type: dundas.entities.ContentType]      - (optional) The new code library content type. If null, then it's assumed it's an existing code library.

     projectId           [type: String]      - (optional) The project to use try save this code library, if not the default one.

     parentId            [type: String]      - (optional) If this is to be a child of an existing library, this ID should be provided.

Optional: True


The following example initializes a new instance of a CodeLibraryDialog object:

var newObject = new dundas.controls.CodeLibraryDialog();