 | background |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the control.
 | borderBrush |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the border around the control.
 | borderRadius |
Gets or sets the radius in pixels for rounding the corners of the border.
 | borderStyle |
Gets or sets the style of the border around the control.
 | borderWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the border around the control.
 | canvasService |
Gets the canvas service associated with this control.
 | container |
Gets the DOM element this control will render to.
 | height |
Gets the current rendered height of the control.
 | id |
Gets a unique value identifying this instance.
 | innerPadding |
Gets the total padding reserved between the boundaries of the control and its content.
 | isAligning |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is currently being aligned.
 | isDrawPending |
Gets a value indicating whether the control is about to re-draw.
 | legend |
Gets or sets the legend used by this control.
 | padding |
Gets or sets the padding reserved between the boundaries of the control and its content.
 | width |
Gets the current rendered width of the control.
 | alignHorizontallyWith |
Aligns the content of this control horizontally with the specified control.
 | alignVerticallyWith |
Aligns the content of this control vertically with the specified control.
 | clearHorizontallyAligned |
Removes all controls from horizontal alignment with this instance.
 | clearVerticallyAligned |
Removes all controls from vertical alignment with this instance.
 | draw |
Re-draws the data control immediately if invalidated. This method is normally called automatically when
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |

 | getDefaultQualitativePalette |
Gets a palette of qualitative colors.

 | getDefaultSequentialPalette |
Gets a palette incorporating sequential colors.
 | getHorizontallyAligned |
Gets an array of controls set to be horizontally aligned with this control.

 | getInsightQualitativePalette |
Gets the insightsoftware palette of qualitative colors.

 | getInsightSequentialPalette |
Gets an insightsoftware palette incorporating sequential colors.
 | getVerticallyAligned |
Gets an array of controls set to be vertically aligned with this control.
 | hitTest |
Determines what data control element is represented at the specified position.
 | invalidate |
Ensures the data control is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best
time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when
 | invalidateSize |
Notifies the control that its container element size may have changed.
 | isAlignedHorizontallyWith |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified control has been aligned horizontally with this instance.
 | isAlignedVerticallyWith |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified control has been aligned vertically with this instance.
 | onDOMDetach |
Called when the DOM element this control will render to is temporarily detached.
 | onDOMReattach |
Called when the DOM element this control will render to is re-attached.
 | removeHorizontallyAligned |
Removes the specified control from the list to be horizontally aligned with this control.
 | removeVerticallyAligned |
Removes the specified control from the list to be vertically aligned with this control.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |