DropDownStyle.getResolvedFontStyle Method

Gets the resolved font style for the drop down style. The resolved style uses the values from the drop down style first, and the parent adapter(if available) second.

Return Value

Type: Object - May be null
If not null, a plain object with properties:
     color                   [type: String]                      - The font color
     fontFamily              [type: String]                      - The font family
     fontStyle               [type: String]                      - The font style
     fontVariant             [Type: String]                      - The font variant
     fontWeight              [Type: String]                      - The font weight
     fontSize                [Type: String]                      - The font size
     textDecoration          [Type: String]                      - The text decoration
     textTransform           [Type: String]                      - The text transform