(optional) The options for this file explorer. Structure: onFinishedAddingItems [type: Function] - The callback after all items are loaded/added. rootFolderId [type: String, default: window.dundas.context.currentProjectId] - The root folder ID or file system entry ID of this explorer. isShowingProject [type: Boolean, default: true] - This will force a get for the project instead of some random folder. isShowingProjectsRoot [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will show all the projects in the system (mostly for administration). filterProjectFolderTypes [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null] - Filter the project root list. filterTypes [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null] - Instead of specifying the project folder types, you can specify types which will be converted to the proper folder types. hideSubentries [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, will stop files with sub-entries from showing under files. includeNeverCheckedIn [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, items which have never been checked in will be included in the file queries. isSearchShown [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, the search bar will be shown. isBackToProjectShown [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, a 'back to project' button will be displayed as the only toolbar item. This is used when the root is a file, or a random folder, and the user needs a way back. If the toolbar is hidden, this button cannot be seen. searchFilterTypes [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null] - Filter search results to the specified types. isFirstNodeAutoExpanded [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the first node to expand when the explorer initially shows. isDoubleClickIgnored [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the explorer to ignore the double click command. isTinyMode [type: Boolean, default: true] - Setting this will cause the toolbar to be either tiny mode or not. isToolbarVisible [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the toolbar to be built or not. showCheckboxes [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will display checkboxes in the file explorer or not. tenantId [type: String, default: null] - Setting this will display projects from the tenants project folder rather than from the projects root folder. getProjectDef [type: Function, default: false] - A custom get project definition that the file explorer should use. allowSetActiveProject [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the explorer to allow the user to set an active project through the right click action. Locked to the Admin Section. Outside of the Admin section, this will be defaulted to false. dialogOptions [type: Object, default: null] - Object containing preferred dialog options. isFoldersOnly [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, only folders are shown and files are ignored.