FileExplorer.setOptions Method

Changes the ID of the root item being displayed.



Type: Object
(optional) The options for this file explorer. Structure:
     onFinishedAddingItems           [type: Function]    - The callback after all items are loaded/added.
     rootFolderId                    [type: String, default: window.dundas.context.currentProjectId] - The root folder ID or file system entry ID of this explorer.
     isShowingProject                [type: Boolean, default: true]  - This will force a get for the project instead of some random folder.
     isShowingProjectsRoot           [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will show all the projects in the system (mostly for administration).
     filterProjectFolderTypes        [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null]    - Filter the project root list.
     filterTypes                     [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null]    - Instead of specifying the project folder types, you can specify types which will be converted to the proper folder types.
     hideSubentries                  [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, will stop files with sub-entries from showing under files.
     includeNeverCheckedIn           [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, items which have never been checked in will be included in the file queries.
     isSearchShown                   [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, the search bar will be shown.
     getSearchAncestries             [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, the search bar will retrieve ancestry information for all the entries that appear in a search.
     isBackToProjectShown            [type: Boolean, default: false] - If set to true, a 'back to project' button will be displayed as the only toolbar item. This is used when the root is a file, or a random folder, and the user needs a way back. If the toolbar is hidden, this button cannot be seen.
     searchFilterTypes               [type: Array, elementType: dundas.ObjectType, default: null]    - Filter search results to the specified types.
     isFirstNodeAutoExpanded         [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the first node to expand when the explorer initially shows.
     isDoubleClickIgnored            [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the explorer to ignore the double click command.
     isTinyMode                      [type: Boolean, default: true] - Setting this will cause the toolbar to be either tiny mode or not.
     isToolbarVisible                [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will cause the toolbar to be built or not. 
     showCheckboxes                  [type: Boolean, default: false] - Setting this will display checkboxes in the file explorer or not.
     tenantId                        [type: String, default: null] - Setting this will display projects from the tenants project folder rather than from the projects root folder. 
     getProjectDef                   [type: Function, default: false] - A custom get project definition that the file explorer should use.

Optional: True