 | actualFill |
Gets the actual fill that should be rendered on the pointer.
Determined after looking after the hover fill, selection
fill and the fill of the pointer.
 | actualStroke |
Gets the actual stroke that should be rendered on the pointer.
Determined after looking after the hover stroke, selection
stroke and the stroke of the pointer.
 | animationDuration |
Gets or sets the length of each animated transition in
 | barEndWidth |
Gets or sets the end width of the bar.
 | barStartWidth |
Gets or sets the start width of the bar.
 | distanceFromScale |
Gets or sets the distance of this pointer from the scale.
 | easingFunction |
Gets or sets the easing function used to animate this object.
 | fill |
Gets or sets the fill of this pointer.
 | id |
Gets or sets the ID of this pointer.
 | isBarStartedFromZero |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pointer is
rendered from zero. Only applicable for the bar pointer
 | isCustom |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this pointer is a
custom pointer.
 | isDataChangeAnimated |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this pointer is
animated when the data is changed.
 | isDisplayedInLegend |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether legend items
corresponding to this pointer are displayed in the
legend hooked up to this gauge.
 | isHovered |
Gets a value indicating whether the pointer is
currently being hovered over by the user.
 | isLoadAnimated |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pointer is
animated when the gauge is loaded.
 | isSelected |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this pointer is
currently selected.
 | isVisible |
Gets or sets the visibility of this pointer.
 | legendCategory |
Gets or sets the legend category heading.
 | legendText |
Gets or sets the legend text.
 | markerLength |
Gets or sets the marker height.
 | markerShape |
Gets or sets the marker symbol.
 | markerWidth |
Gets or sets the marker width.
 | name |
Gets the display name of this pointer.
 | parentControl |
Gets the parent control.
 | placement |
Gets or sets the placement of the pointer.
 | pointerType |
Gets or sets the pointer type.
 | stroke |
Gets or sets the stroke of the pointer.
 | strokeWidth |
Gets or sets the stroke width in pixels.
 | tooltip |
Gets or sets the tooltip of the pointer.
 | useRangeFill |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the range fill.
 | value |
Gets or sets the value of the pointer.
 | zIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize
the placement of this pointer in front of or behind
other gauge elements. Elements with a higher z-index
are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.