Restricts or appears to restrict the movement of a pointer at one end of the scale.
 | distanceFromScale |
Gets or sets the distance of this pin from the scale.
 | fill |
Gets or sets the fill of this pin.
 | height |
Gets or sets the pin height.
 | isPinEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pin is enabled.
 | isVisible |
Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of this
 | location |
Gets or sets the location.
 | markerShape |
Gets or sets the shape of the pin.
 | opacity |
Gets or sets the percentage of opacity of the pin.
 | parentControl |
Gets the parent control of this instance.
 | placement |
Gets or sets the placement of the pin.
 | stroke |
Gets or sets the stroke of the pin.
 | strokeWidth |
Gets or sets the stroke width in pixels.
 | width |
Gets or sets the width of the pin.
 | zIndex |
Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize
the placement of this pin in front of or behind
other gauge elements. Elements with a higher z-index
are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index.