 | bypassHierarchyCache |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy cache should be bypassed.
 | bypassSecurityForAdmin |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the security hierarchy processing should be bypassed for admin accounts.
 | crossFilterValues |
Gets or sets any cross filter values which should be passed along with any hierarchyService.getMembers(..) call.
Setting this property will cause a refresh.
 | element |
Gets the explorer DOM element.
 | explorer |
Gets the explorer control this hierarchy explorer is using.
 | hideRootNode |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root node (header) should be shown or not.
 | hideSubChildren |
Gets or sets a value indicating sub children (children of children) should not be shown.
 | hierarchy |
Gets or sets the hierarchy to display.
 | inheritedFilterValues |
Gets or sets any inherited filter values which should be passed along with any hierarchyService.getMembers(..) call.
Setting this property will cause a refresh.
 | isInvertedSelection |
Gets or sets whether this is an inverted selection, meaning the members returned
from selectedMemberChanged are those not selected instead of those selected.
 | isSearchShown |
Gets or sets whether the search box is shown.
 | lastVisibleLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the last visible level index is for the user.
 | searchOperator |
Gets or sets whether the operator to be used in searches. Valid choices are:
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.CONTAINS (default)
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.EQUALS
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.STARTS_WITH
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.ENDS_WITH
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.MATCHES
 | selectedNode |
Gets or sets the node that is currently selected in the control.
 | showCheckboxes |
Gets or sets whether the checkboxes are shown.
 | shownMembers |
Gets or sets a list of member values indicating which members will be shown. This can be null if no filter is desired.
 | sortRule |
Gets or sets the sort rule which should be passed along with any hierarchyService.getMembers(..) call.
Setting this property will cause a refresh.
 | tenantId |
Gets or sets a value with the tenant ID used to retrieve the members with for admin accounts.
 | dispose |
Disposes this hierarchy explorer.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getCheckedNodes |
Gets all the hierarchy member nodes which are checked, or not checked, depending on the booleanCheck provided.
 | getIndeterminateMembers |
Gets all the hierarchy members which are indeterminate (null isChecked) and have no children (haven't loaded yet).
 | getNodesByUniqueName |
Gets all the hierarchy member nodes which have a matching unique name for the hierarchy member.
 | getSelectedMembers |
Gets all the hierarchy members which are selected (based on the inversion setting).
 | overrideRootNode |
Overrides the hierarchy root node and refreshes. This can be set to null to move back to the default for the hierarchy.
 | refresh |
Refreshes this hierarchy explorer by re-loading the hierarchy and re-checking the appropriate things.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |