NumericUpDown Constructor

Initializes the control. Called during construction.



Type: HTMLElement
The DOM element that the control will render to.

Type: Object

     value               [type: Number]                                  - The value.
     minValue            [type: Number]                                  - The minimum value boundary.
     maxValue            [type: Number]                                  - The maximum value boundary.
     precision           [type: Number]                                  - The number of decimal places to display.
     step                [type: Number]                                  - The increment step of the control.
     isPercent           [type: Boolean]                                 - True to make percentage control.
     isInteger           [type: Boolean]                                 - True if only integral values are supported; false by default.
     isNaNSupported      [type: Boolean]                                 - True to support NaN; false otherwise.
     isInfinitySupported [type: Boolean]                                 - True to support infinity; false otherwise.
     isUserInputTimeout  [type: Boolean]                                 - True to delay user input a few milliseconds; false by default.
     isAllowContextMenu  [type: Boolean]                                 - True to allow context menu to appear if special options exist (ie: isNaNSupported, isInifinitySupported)
     arrowsType          [type: dundas.controls.NumericUpDownArrowsType] - Type of up/down arrows to display.