 | background |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | border |
Gets or sets the border in the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | bypassHierarchyCache |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy cache should be bypassed.
 | bypassSecurityForAdmin |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the security hierarchy processing should be bypassed for admin accounts.
 | firstSelectableLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the first selectable level index is for the user.
 | firstSelectableParentMember |
Gets or sets a value what the first selectable parent member value is for the user.
This must be specified if isUnSelectableTopLevelsHidden is set to true and firstSelectableLevel is specified.
 | hideRootNode |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root node (header) should be shown or not.
 | hierarchy |
Gets or sets the hierarchy that should be used to populate the levels.
 | hierarchyExplorer |
Gets the hierarchy explorer powering this control.
 | includeAttributeTokens |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not attribute tokens should be included in the call for tokens.
Normally this is not desired.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isContextMenuHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the context menu should be hidden.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isInvertHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the inversion context menu option context menu and token menu option should be hidden.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isParameterTypeIconHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the parameter type icon will be shown.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isSearchShown |
Gets or sets whether the search box is shown.
 | isShowCheckboxes |
Gets or sets the if checkboxes are shown in the control.
 | isShowCheckboxesSupported |
Gets is checkboxes are supported.
 | isTokenMenuHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the token menu should be hidden.
This property is a shortcut to setting tokenMenuVisibility directly. It will return true if tokenMenuVisibility is NONE; otherwise false.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isUnresolvedTokenCaptionShown |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the unresolved token caption should be used instead of the resolved one.
For example, by default the 'current month' would show the resolved month such as 'January 1, 2017', however in unresolved mode it will display 'Current Month'.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isUnSelectableTopLevelsHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether levels above the firstSelectableLevel are shown or not.
If this is set to true, then firstSelectableParentMember must be set.
 | isVertical |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should be laid out vertically.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | labelPosition |
Gets or sets the label position in the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | labelText |
Gets or sets the text label displayed in the control.
 | lastSelectableLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the last selectable level index is for the user.
 | lastVisibleLevel |
Gets or sets a value what the last visible level index is for the user.
 | parameterValue |
Gets or sets the parameter value this control will update.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | parentEntityId |
Gets or sets the parent entity ID which will be used to resolve a parameter value's token. This is typically a metric set, but is optional and may not be set.
 | searchOperator |
Gets or sets whether the operator to be used in searches. Valid choices are:
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.CONTAINS (default)
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.EQUALS
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.STARTS_WITH
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.ENDS_WITH
- dundas.QueryFilterOperator.MATCHES
 | setParameterValueOnChange |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value should be set on change, or after the drop-down-list is closed.
By default, it is not applied on change, so that users can check off multiple items then blur the control to get the value
to change.
 | shownMembers |
Gets or sets a list of member values indicating which members will be shown. This can be null if no filter is desired.
 | shownTokens |
Gets or sets a list of token IDs indicating which tokens will be shown. This can be null if no filter is desired.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | tenantId |
Gets or sets a value with the tenant ID used to retrieve the members with for admin accounts.
 | tokenMenuVisibility |
Gets or sets a value indicating where the token menu is visible.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | tooltipDelay |
Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after hovering over this control with a mouse before its tooltip is displayed.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | tooltipText |
Gets or sets the text tooltip displayed in the control.