A parameter control that automatically progresses through hierarchy values along a slider
that can also be used to choose values.
 | background |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | border |
Gets or sets the border in the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | currentHierarchyId |
Gets or sets the ID of the hierarchy most recently used to populate the values.
 | currentHierarchyUniqueName |
Gets or sets the unique name of the hierarchy most recently used to populate the values.
 | groupingColor |
Gets or sets the color used to draw lines to group multiple values together under a label.
 | handleActiveBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the handle when active.
 | handleActiveBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the handle when active.
 | handleActiveBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the active box-shadow of the handle when active.
 | handleActiveHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the slider handle when active.
 | handleActiveWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the slider handle when active.
 | handleCursor |
Gets or sets the cursor of the slider handle.
 | handleRestBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the handle when at rest.
 | handleRestBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the handle when at rest.
 | handleRestBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the box-shadow of the handle when at rest.
 | handleRestHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the slider handle when at rest.
 | handleRestWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the slider handle when at rest.
 | hierarchy |
Gets or sets the hierarchy that should be used to populate the levels.
 | includeAttributeTokens |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not attribute tokens should be included in the call for tokens.
Normally this is not desired.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isContextMenuHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the context menu should be hidden.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isDefaultTimeHierarchyShown |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default time hierarchy should be shown regardless of
the hierarchy given to the control.
 | isEachLevelLabeled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether upper levels are each labeled in
additional rows of labels when displaying a lower level.
 | isInvertHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the inversion context menu option context menu and token menu option should be hidden.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isParameterTypeIconHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the parameter type icon will be shown.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isPlaying |
Gets a value indicating whether the play axis is currently automatically
progressing through values.
 | isPlayPauseEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the play/pause button for starting
or stopping automatic progression through values is displayed.
 | isRangeEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether both a start and end value can be chosen and
displayed along the slider, indicating a range of values.
 | isStartPinned |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the start value of the range is 'pinned' when automatically
progressing so that only the end value changes.
 | isTokenMenuHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the token menu should be hidden.
This property is a shortcut to setting tokenMenuVisibility directly. It will return true if tokenMenuVisibility is NONE; otherwise false.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isUnresolvedTokenCaptionShown |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the unresolved token caption should be used instead of the resolved one.
For example, by default the 'current month' would show the resolved month such as 'January 1, 2017', however in unresolved mode it will display 'Current Month'.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | isValueTooltipShown |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a tooltip appears when the selected
value is changed by this control.
 | isVertical |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should be laid out vertically.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | labelPosition |
Gets or sets the label position in the control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | levelDepth |
Gets or sets a value indicating the current level relative to the top.
 | members |
Gets the members currently displayed by the control.
 | parameterValue |
Gets or sets the parameter value this control will update.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | parentEntityId |
Gets or sets the parent entity ID which will be used to resolve a parameter value's token. This is typically a metric set, but is optional and may not be set.
 | parentMember |
Gets or sets the parent member for which to display child members, if applicable.
 | playPauseActiveBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the play/pause button when hovered with a mouse.
 | playPauseBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the play/pause button.
 | playPauseSize |
Gets or sets the height and width of the play/pause button in pixels.
 | rangeBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the progress range in the slider.
 | rangeBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the progress range in the slider.
 | rangeThickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the progress range in the slider.
 | shownMembers |
Gets or sets a list of member values indicating which members will be shown. This can be null if no filter is desired.
 | shownTokens |
Gets or sets a list of token IDs indicating which tokens will be shown. This can be null if no filter is desired.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | sliderBackground |
Gets or sets the background of the slider bar.
 | sliderBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the slider bar.
 | sliderBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the box shadow of the slider bar.
 | sliderThickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the slider bar.
 | stepDuration |
Gets or sets the duration in milliseconds between each progression between
values along the slider when playing.
 | tickMarkStroke |
Gets or sets the tick mark brush.
 | tickMarkStrokeWidth |
Gets or sets the tick mark width.
 | tokenMenuVisibility |
Gets or sets a value indicating where the token menu is visible.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | tooltipDelay |
Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after hovering over this control with a mouse before its tooltip is displayed.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter.
 | tooltipText |
Gets or sets the text tooltip displayed in the control.
 | valueChangeTooltipDuration |
Gets or sets the length of time a tooltip is shown displaying
the new value when changed using this control.
 | dispose |
This must be called when the control is being removed from the screen to avoid leaks.
 | drillDown |
Drills down the values displayed along the slider to the selected member, filtering to it and displaying
the next-lowest level.
 | drillUp |
Drills back up to the values previously displayed along the slider before last drilling down.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getContainer |
Retrieves the container DOM.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | getContextMenuCommands |
Gets the context menu commands for the parameter control.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | getContextualCommands |
Gets the context menu commands appropriate for the current context within the control.
 | getHierarchyInfo |
Gets the hierarchy information if this control supports a hierarchy. If it does not, null is returned.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | getMemberForEvent |
Gets the member located at the coordinates of the specified event.
 | getTokenCompatibleDataTypes |
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | getTokenDisplayTypes |
Gets the display types for the parameter token call.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | hideValueTooltip |
Hides the value tooltip if currently visible.
 | invalidate |
Re-positions the control's elements based on the current container size and settings.
 | pause |
Stops if currently progressing automatically through the values displayed along the slider, maintaining
the current slider position.
 | play |
Begins progressing automatically through the values displayed along the slider, if not already.
 | setControlLabelText |
Attempts to set the control's label text.
If the control is a range input, only the start label is set, and the end label is set to blank.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | setControlTooltipText |
Attempts to set the control's tooltip text.
If the control is a range input, only the start tooltip is set.
Inherited from dundas.controls.Parameter. |
 | setCrossFilterValues |
Sets any cross filter values which should be passed along with any hierarchyService.getMembers(..) call
done by the hierarchy explorer.
Setting this will cause a refresh.
 | stop |
Stops if currently progressing automatically through the values displayed along the slider and resets
the current slider position to the beginning.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |