 | assignee |
The dundas.account.MemberInfo object being edited.
 | assigneeKind |
The assignee kind for the particular privilege.
 | container |
The HTML DOM element this control will be shown in.
 | inheritedFromIds |
Gets the IDs that the privilege value is being inherited from, if any.
This could be a collection of accounts, groups or files.
 | isFileSystemPrivilege |
Gets a flag indicating if the privilege assignment is a File System Privilege.
If false, it is an Application Privilege.
 | isInherited |
Gets a flag indicating if the privilege assignment is being inherited.
 | originalValue |
Gets the original value of the privilege.
 | privilege |
The dundas.filesystem.Privilege being displayed.
 | privilegeAssignments |
An array of dundas.filesystem.PrivilegeAssignment objects for the assignee
for the privilege being displayed.
 | value |
Gets the value for the current setting.
Type: dundas.filesystem.PrivilegeAssignmentKind