 | actualIsHidden |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is effectively hidden.
 | adapterIds |
Gets or sets the collection of control adapter IDs which are contained in the template.
 | background |
Gets or sets the brush to apply as the background for the template area.
 | group |
Gets or sets the group that contains this template.
 | height |
Gets or sets the height of the template area in pixels.
 | hidePageHeaderAndFooterFromViewHeader |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page header and footer will be hidden in the report header.
 | id |
Gets or sets an ID that uniquely identifies the template.
 | isHidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the template area is hidden.
 | isHiddenIfEmpty |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the template area is hidden when it contains
no adapters.
 | isHiddenInDesign |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the template area is not shown while editing.
 | isPageBreakAfter |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a page break is inserted after.
 | isPageBreakBefore |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a page break is inserted before.
 | isPageNumberingResetAfter |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the total page count and page numbers are reset
 | tableOfContentsEntryProperties |
Gets or sets the table of contents properties.
 | templateCellIds |
Gets or sets the template cell adapters for this template.
 | templateType |
Gets or sets the template type.
 | width |
Gets or sets the width of the template area in pixels.