 | bodySectionIndex |
Gets the index of the body section which this template is associated with.
 | columnIndex |
Gets the column index which the template is on.
 | headerRowIndex |
Gets the index of the header row which this template is associated with.
 | localPageNumber |
Gets the page number on which the template instance begins for the current page numbering.
 | localTotalPages |
Gets the total number of pages for the page numbering the template is part of.
 | pageNumber |
Gets the page number on which the template instance begins.
 | pageX |
Gets the X position for the top-left of the template instance in the current page.
 | pageY |
Gets the Y position for the top-left of the template instance in the current page.
 | rowIndex |
Gets the row index which the template is on.
 | totalPages |
Gets the total number of pages.
 | x |
Gets the global X position for the top-left of the template instance in the document.
 | y |
Gets or sets the global Y position for the top-left of the template instance in the document.