TileListItem Constructor

Initializes the control. Called during construction.



Type: Object

     id                      [Type: String] - The object ID.
     tileType                [Type: String] - The tile type.
     objectType              [Type: String] - The object type.
     iconClass               [Type: String] - The icon class.
     text                    [Type: String] - The caption text in the tile.
     textSplitChar           [Type: String] - The character used for splitting "words" for ellipsis.
     tooltip                 [Type: String] - The tile tooltip.
     isCheckedOut            [Type: Boolean]
     isCheckedOutToCaller    [Type: Boolean]
     isGenerateDefaultAction [Type: Boolean] - Default true; generates default tile action depending on object type.
     hasViewThumbnail        [Type; Boolean] - Default false; whether this tile has a view thumbnail available or not.
     isEditable              [Type: Boolean] - Default true; this tile is editable if parent TileList is in edit mode.
     isEditableAction        [Type: Boolean] - Default false; if tile is clickable during edit mode.
     isSelected              [Type: Boolean] - Default false; is tile is the current active tile, style only.
     action                  [Type: Function] - Action for TapClick on tile; will generate default if omitted and isGenerateDefaultAction is true.