dundas.controls.TreemapNodeStyle Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the treemap node style. Called during construction.


  Name Description
headingBackground Gets or sets the settings used to draw the heading background.
headingFontColor Gets or sets the heading font color.
headingFontFamily Gets or sets the heading font family.
headingFontStyle Gets or sets the heading font style.
headingFontWeight Gets or sets the heading font weight.
headingTextAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the heading text.
headingVerticalTextAlign Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the heading text.
nodeBackground Gets or sets the settings used to draw the background of the node.
nodeBorderColor Gets or sets the border color.
nodeBorderWidth Gets or sets the border width.
nodeFontColor Gets or sets the node content font color.
nodeFontFamily Gets or sets the node content font family.
nodeFontStyle Gets or sets the node content font style.
nodeFontWeight Gets or sets the node content font weight.
nodeTextAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the node text.
verticalTextAlign Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the node text.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
toString Returns a string representation of this object.