 | analysisElement |
Gets or sets the analysis element.
 | caption |
Gets or sets the caption for this element usage.
 | id |
Gets or sets the element ID.
 | isExcludedFromDataExport |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is exported in non-image exports.
 | isHierarchy |
Gets or sets whether this element usage is a hierarchy.
 | isMeasure |
Gets or sets whether this element usage is a measure.
 | isTimeHierarchy |
Gets or sets whether this element usage is a time hierarchy.
 | parameter |
Gets or sets the parameter this element.
 | parentEntityId |
Gets or sets the parent entity ID, if any.
 | placement |
Gets or sets this element usage placement.
 | retrieveUnknownMembers |
Gets or sets whether to retrieve unknown hierarchy members.
 | sourceElement |
Gets or sets the element that is the source of the analysis element.
 | uniqueName |
Gets or sets the unique name for this element usage.