 | cells |
Gets the cell for the specified column and row ordinal.
Usage is cells[columnOrdinal][rowOrdinal].
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataCellData for return structure.
 | collapsedSets |
Gets the collapsed sets.
 | columns |
Gets the column axis tuples.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataTupleData for return structure.
 | columnTupleCount |
Gets the total number of column tuples, including columns not included because of paging or shaping.
 | dynamicElementMappings |
Gets the mapping information about which actual elements were used to fulfill the dynamic elements from the request.
 | elementStatistics |
Gets the element statistics, if any were requested.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.ElementStatisticsData, MeasureStatisticsData, TimeHierarchyStatisticsData and HierarchyStatisticsData for return structure.
 | expandedSets |
Gets the expanded sets.
 | grandTotalsColumns |
Gets the column grand total axis tuples.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataTupleData for return structure.
 | grandTotalsRows |
Gets the row grand total axis tuples.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataTupleData for return structure.
 | rows |
Gets the row axis tuples.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataTupleData for return structure.
 | rowTupleCount |
Gets the total number of row tuples, including rows not included because of paging or shaping.
 | warnings |
Gets the data warnings raised during execution of the data request.