 | aggregator |
Gets or sets the aggregator for the placeholder element, if applicable.
 | caption |
Gets or sets the caption.
 | changeToType |
Gets or sets the placeholder type to change to
 | dataElement |
Gets the data element name.
The property is available only when defining multi-value parameters used in a provider expression.
 | element |
Gets or sets the element for the placeholder, if applicable.
 | hierarchyUniqueName |
Gets or sets the hierarchy uniquename of this hierarchy placeholder
 | id | |
 | measure |
Gets or sets the measure of this placeholder
 | measureUniqueName |
Gets of gets the uniquename for this measure placeholder.
 | offsetAxis |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the offset is applied relative to the column axis. The default axis is rows.
 | offsetValue |
Gets or sets the expression.
 | parameter |
Gets or sets the parameter.
 | parameterPlaceholderType |
The parameter placeholder type if this placeholder is a parameter
 | type |
Gets the placeholder type.