 | caption |
Gets or sets the hierarchy caption.
 | childItemCount |
Gets or sets the child hierarchy member count, when the hierarchy is an ALL member.
 | compatibleUniqueName |
Gets the compatible unique name. This property allows grouping together compatible hierarchy members across multiple AnalysisStructures.
 | hierarchy |
Gets or sets the hierarchy. This is a calculated property which is set during data retrieval.
 | hierarchyUniqueName |
Gets or sets the hierarchy unique name.
 | isCollapsed |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is Collapsed. The value is used only when data is retrieved.
 | isExpanded |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is expanded. The value is used only when data is retrieved.
 | level |
Gets or sets the level. This is a calculated property which is set during data retrieval.
 | levelCompatibleUniqueName |
Gets or sets the level compatible unique name.
 | levelDepth |
Gets or sets the level depth.
 | levelUniqueName |
Gets or sets the level unique name.
 | memberKind |
Gets or sets a value indicating the member kind.
 | memberNumber |
Gets or sets the member number, when the parent hierarchy is a numeric hierarchy.
 | memberTime |
Gets or sets the member time, if available.
 | parentMember |
Gets or sets the parent member name.
 | parentMemberUniqueName |
Gets or sets the parent member unique name.
 | properties |
Gets the child members non-standard properties.
 | uniqueName |
Gets or sets the unique name.
Inherited from dundas.data.UniqueName.