 | billionsFormat |
Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers in billions units.
 | format |
Gets or sets a .NET format string defining how to display the number.
 | isLargeNumberFormattingPerValue |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether large numbers are each formatted separately.
 | millionsFormat |
Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers in millions units.
 | range |
Gets or sets a value with the range for this format info.
 | symbol |
Gets or sets a symbol that can be placed before or after the number.
 | symbolPlacement |
Gets or sets the placement of the symbol if not a currency symbol.
 | thousandsFormat |
Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers in thousands units.
 | trillionsFormat |
Gets or sets a format defining how to display numbers in trillions units.