 | alignment |
Gets or sets the script alignment behavior.
 | allChildren |
Gets a flat list of all files and folders in this folder and all its subfolders.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | allFiles |
Gets a flat list of all files in the folder and all its subfolders.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | allFolders |
Gets a flat list of all subfolders in the folder and all its subfolders.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | analysisStructureId |
Gets or sets a value indicating the ID of the analysis structure.
 | checkedOutTo |
Gets the account info to which the object is checked out.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | childCount |
Gets or sets the number of direct children contained in this folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | children |
Gets the files and folders under this entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | columnHierarchies |
Gets or sets the column hierarchies usage information.
 | createdBy |
Gets or sets the account of the user who created the folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | createdTime |
Gets or sets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), that the folder or file was created.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | currentRevision |
Gets a value indicating the current revision number.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | dataRetrievalFormat |
Gets or sets the data retrieval format.
 | dependencyMetricSets |
Gets or sets the dependent metric sets if this is a formula metric set.
 | description |
Gets or sets an optional description associated with the file or folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | drillDownParameter |
Gets or sets the drill down parameter.
 | effectiveCallerPrivileges |
Gets or sets the effective privileges for the current user.
See dundas.filesystem.ObjectPrivilegeIds for the available values.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | elements |
Gets or sets all the elements usage information.
 | enforceHierarchyCubeCheck |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent cubes of the hierarchies are also checked when determining hierarchy compatibilities.
 | files |
Gets or sets the files contained in this folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | folders |
Gets or sets the subfolders of this folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | friendlyFullName |
Gets or sets the friendly full path of the entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | friendlyLocation |
Gets or sets the friendly location to the entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | friendlyLocationElements |
Gets or sets a list of distinct path elements which compose the FriendlyLocation.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | friendlyName |
Gets or sets the friendly name of the entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | fullName |
Gets or sets the full path of the folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | hierarchyMemberGroups |
Gets or sets the hierarchy member groups.
 | id |
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the file or folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | inheritedTags |
Gets or sets the inherited tags associated with the file or folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | isCheckedOut |
Gets a value indicating whether the file is checked out.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | isCheckedOutToCaller |
Gets a value indicating whether the file is checked out to this current user (session).
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | isCustomLocalizationApplied |
Gets the value of isCustomLocalizationApplied flag of this instance.
Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
 | isFormulaMetricSet |
Gets or sets a value indicating this metric set is a formula metric set or not.
 | isInactive |
Gets the value indicating whether the file is inactive or active.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | isProtected |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is protected.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | isRecycled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entry is recycled.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | isRelationshipsAvailable |
Gets or sets a value indicating this metric set has relationships available to get.
 | isResultTransposed |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current instance requires the result to be transposed.
 | isSubentry |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is a child entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | isTemporary |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entry resides under a temporary folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | isTransient |
Gets a value indicating the whether or not this file is transient.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | lastCheckedInTime |
Gets a value indicating the last time this file was checked in. This might be null if it was never checked in.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
 | lastModifiedTime |
Gets or sets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), that the folder or file was last written to.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | location |
Gets or sets the location to the file or folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | measures |
Gets or sets the measures usage information.
 | metadata |
Gets or sets the meta data assigned to this file system entry
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | name |
Gets or sets the name of the folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | objectType |
Gets or sets the type of the folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | otherGroupSettings |
Gets or sets "Other" group settings for the current instance, if available.
If this value is set to null, none are set.
 | parameters |
Gets or sets the parameters.
 | parentId |
Gets or sets the ID of the folder in which the folder or file resides.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | preventDataExport |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current instance will not be allowed to be exported to Excel and CSV.
 | primaryEntryId |
Gets the ID of the entity which contains this entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | privilegeInheritanceBehavior |
Gets or sets the privilege inheritance behavior on this file system entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | privileges |
Gets or sets the privileges assigned to this file system entry.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | projectId |
Gets or sets the ID of the project containing this folder or file.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | queryHintValues |
Gets or sets the query hints values for the current metric set.
 | revision |
Gets the revision of this instance.
Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
 | rowHierarchies |
Gets or sets the row hierarchies usage information.
 | shownTotals |
Gets or sets the flag indicating the requested total types.
 | slicerHierarchies |
Gets or sets the slicer hierarchies usage information.
 | stateGroups |
Gets or sets a value holding the state groups.
 | subtype |
Gets or sets the type-specific sub-type of this instance.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | tags |
Gets or sets the tags associated with the file or folder.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | tenantId |
Gets or sets a value indicating the tenant ID, if applicable.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
 | topBottomSettings |
Gets or sets the top / bottom settings for the current instance, if available.
If this value is set to null, none are set.
 | undoContext |
Gets the current undo context for this entity, if available.
Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
 | visualization |
Gets or sets a value holding the visualization as a JSON string. It's stored as a string for efficiency purposes
(to avoid instantiating a heavy adapter all the time when getting the metric set).
 | warnings |
Gets or sets any warnings that might have come from the entity.
See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataWarningData for return structure.
Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.