dundas.entities.View Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the dundas.entities.View object.


  Name Description
adapters Gets or sets the adapters in this view.
allChildren Gets a flat list of all files and folders in this folder and all its subfolders. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
allFiles Gets a flat list of all files in the folder and all its subfolders. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
allFolders Gets a flat list of all subfolders in the folder and all its subfolders. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
background Gets or sets the background brush.
beforeExportActions Gets or sets the before export actions on this view.
brushViewParameter Gets the brush view parameter, if any. This is a helper property which uses brushViewParameterId to find the brush view parameter. This property is not serialized and is calculated. The value may be null if there is no brush view parameter.
brushViewParameterId Gets or sets the ID of the view parameter in viewParameters that is being used for data brushing.
chatflowId Gets or sets the chatflow ID to use for this view.
checkedOutTo Gets the account info to which the object is checked out. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
childCount Gets or sets the number of direct children contained in this folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
children Gets the files and folders under this entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
codeLibraryIds Gets or sets the IDs of referenced code libraries.
contextMenuShowingActions Gets or sets the context menu showing actions on this view.
createdBy Gets or sets the account of the user who created the folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
createdTime Gets or sets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), that the folder or file was created. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
currentRevision Gets a value indicating the current revision number. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
description Gets or sets an optional description associated with the file or folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
disableAutomaticBrushing Gets or sets a value indicating whether automatic data brushing is disabled on this view and only custom interactions passing values to the brush view parameter trigger data brushing.
disabledApplicationPrivileges Gets or sets the disabled application privileges. This is a list of each application privilege ID which should be disabled regardless of the user's application-wide privilege.
effectiveCallerPrivileges Gets or sets the effective privileges for the current user. See dundas.filesystem.ObjectPrivilegeIds for the available values. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
exportTimeout Gets or sets the export timeout override length in seconds. Example "00:00:00".
files Gets or sets the files contained in this folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
folders Gets or sets the subfolders of this folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
fontColor Gets or sets the font color for the adapter.
fontFamily Gets or sets the font family for this adapter.
fontSize Gets or sets the font size for this adapter.
fontStyle Gets or sets the font style for this adapter.
fontVariant Gets or sets the font variant for this adapter.
fontWeight Gets or sets the font weight for this adapter.
friendlyFullName Gets or sets the friendly full path of the entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
friendlyLocation Gets or sets the friendly location to the entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
friendlyLocationElements Gets or sets a list of distinct path elements which compose the FriendlyLocation. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
friendlyName Gets or sets the friendly name of the entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
fullName Gets or sets the full path of the folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
groups Gets or sets the groups on this dashboard.
height Gets or sets the height value.
id Gets or sets the unique identifier of the file or folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
ignoreAspectRatioOnResize Gets or sets a value indicating if the aspect ratio should be ignored when in view mode when re-sizing.
inheritedTags Gets or sets the inherited tags associated with the file or folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
initialViewOptions Gets or sets the initial view options for this View, such as it should start full screen. This option can be overridden by the overrides.
isAdhoc Gets a value indicating whether or not this dashboard is an adhoc dashboard.
isCheckedOut Gets a value indicating whether the file is checked out. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
isCheckedOutToCaller Gets a value indicating whether the file is checked out to this current user (session). Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
isCustomLocalizationApplied Gets the value of isCustomLocalizationApplied flag of this instance. Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
isInactive Gets the value indicating whether the file is inactive or active. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
isProtected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is protected. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isRecycled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entry is recycled. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isSubentry Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is a child entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isTemplate Gets a value indicating whether or not this dashboard is a template.
isTemporary Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entry resides under a temporary folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isTransient Gets a value indicating the whether or not this file is transient. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
lastCheckedInTime Gets a value indicating the last time this file was checked in. This might be null if it was never checked in. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
lastModifiedTime Gets or sets the time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), that the folder or file was last written to. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
layers Gets or sets the layers on this dashboard.
loadingActions Gets or sets the loading actions on this view.
location Gets or sets the location to the file or folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
metadata Gets or sets the meta data assigned to this file system entry Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
name Gets or sets the name of the folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
objectType Gets or sets the type of the folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
overrides Gets the overrides for this View. These are temporary, and never saved. This property is not serialized.
parentDefinition Gets a value for the parent definition if this view is a template and has been loaded. This is a convenience property only set when the template is in-use by a dashboard, and has been loaded, and is not saved.
parentId Gets or sets the ID of the folder in which the folder or file resides. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
primaryEntryId Gets the ID of the entity which contains this entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
privilegeInheritanceBehavior Gets or sets the privilege inheritance behavior on this file system entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
privileges Gets or sets the privileges assigned to this file system entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
projectId Gets or sets the ID of the project containing this folder or file. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
readyActions Gets or sets the ready actions on this view.
relativeFontSizeMax Gets or sets the maximum font size relative font size is limited to.
relativeFontSizeMin Gets or sets the minimum font size relative font size is limited to.
relativeFontSizeResizeStrength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the factor at which relative fonts should adjust when the width of the dashboard is changed, and what that factor is.
resizeActions Gets or sets the resize actions on this view.
resizeMode Gets or sets the resize mode.
resizeModeFit Gets or sets the resize mode Fit.
revision Gets the revision of this instance. Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
subtype Gets or sets the type-specific sub-type of this instance. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
tags Gets or sets the tags associated with the file or folder. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
templateCellHorizontalSpacing Gets or sets the template cell horizontal spacing.
templateCells Gets or sets a value for the template cell adapters for this template.
templateCellsHorizontalPadding Get or sets the horizontal padding of the canvas to the template cells.
templateCellsVerticalPadding Get or sets the vertical padding of the canvas to the template cells.
templateCellVerticalSpacing Gets or sets template cell vertical spacing.
templateDefinition Gets or sets the template definition. As a convenience, this is shipped with the dashboard entity. This will only be populated if template is not null.
templateId Gets or sets a value for which template ID this dashboard is using.
tenantId Gets or sets a value indicating the tenant ID, if applicable. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
undoContext Gets the current undo context for this entity, if available. Inherited from dundas.entities.EntityBase.
version Gets or sets the entity version.
viewParameters Gets or sets the view parameters on this dashboard.
viewSubtype Gets or sets a value indicating the view subtype.
viewType Gets or sets the view type.
warnings Gets or sets any warnings that might have come from the entity. See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.DataWarningData for return structure. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.File.
width Gets or sets the width value.


  Name Description
applyDefaultTheme Applies the default application theme, if one is set, to either the whole Dashboard (if no adapters are specified), or do the specified adapters.
applyTheme Applies the given theme object to this View.
dataSelectAdapters Called when all the adapters should enter data select mode.
dispose This must be called when the view is being removed from the screen to avoid leaks.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getAdapterById Gets the requested adapter by ID.
getBrushValue Gets the current brush parameter value.
getTooltipText Gets the tooltip text for this file system entry. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
getViewParameterById Searches the view parameters for the given ID.
getViewParameterByName Searches the view parameters for the given name (script name).
getViewParameterOverridesAffectingAdapter Gets the view parameter overrides affecting the specified adapter.
getViewParameterOverridesAffectingAdapterHierarchyLevelParameter Gets the view parameter overrides affecting the specified adapter and the given hierarchy, specifically the level parameter.
getViewParametersAffectingAdapter Gets the view parameters affecting the specified adapter.
getViewParametersAffectingAdapterHierarchyFilterParameter Gets the view parameters affecting the specified adapter and the given hierarchy, specifically the filter parameter.
getViewParametersAffectingAdapterHierarchyLevelParameter Gets the view parameters affecting the specified adapter and the given hierarchy, specifically the level parameter.
hasEffectiveCallerPrivilege Checks if the file has the specified effective caller privilege or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
invalidateBrushViewParameter Informs all adapters that the brush view parameter has changed. This must be called after modifying the brushViewParameter property, otherwise no update will occur.
isFile Returns whether this file system entry is a file or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isFolder Returns whether this file system entry is a folder or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isProject Returns whether this file system entry is a project or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isRelationshipsSupported Returns whether this file system entry supports creating relationships to it. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isRootFolder Returns whether this file system entry is a root folder or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
isRootFolderWithSharedItems Returns whether this file system entry is a root folder that can have shared items or not. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
removeSimilarViewParameterOverrides When given a view parameter, will remove similar view parameters found in the overrides to avoid duplicates.
resetOverridesAndLoadData Resets the overrides for this view, and refreshes the data.
setBrushValue Sets the current brush view parameter value.
setOverrides Sets the default overrides and pushes any defaultViewParameterValues to the correct view parameter values.
tagsFromString Converts the given comma-separated string into an array and sets it on the tags. This will also trim the whitespace. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
tagsToString Gets the tags as comma-separated string. Inherited from dundas.filesystem.FileSystemEntry.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.