 | adapterRequests |
Gets or sets the dictionary linking an adapter to it's requests using the adapter's id and the requests' clientData.
 | deliverySettings |
Gets or sets the delivery settings if delivering the content.
 | id |
Gets or sets the ID of this export request.
 | isLegacyExport |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the export should use the legacy format (Excel only).
 | overrideExportFileName |
Gets or sets an override file name to be used for the export instead of the view's name.
 | overrideHeight |
Gets or sets the height the view should be rendered at instead of the view's default height during export.
 | overrideWidth |
Gets or sets the width the view should be rendered at instead of the view's default height during export.
 | parameterValues |
Gets the values for all the parameters defined for the export plug-in. These are not the View specific parameter values.
 | providerId |
Gets or sets the ID of the provider that will perform the export.
 | requests |
Gets the values for all the data requests on this View. This way the same data can be retrieved on the server with the same parameter and such.
 | utcOffset |
Gets or sets the user's time offset in minutes from UTC time.
 | viewData |
Gets or sets the current view's serialized state for closer matching visual exports.
 | viewId |
Gets or sets the view ID for which an export is requested.
 | viewParameters |
Gets or sets the view specific parameters.
 | viewUrl |
Gets or sets the view URL for this view with all the options.