| bind |
Subscribe a handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
| cancelExport |
Cancels the request specified by the identifier
| createDelegate |
Helper for creating delegate functions.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
| createTimeout |
Creates a timeout.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
| dispatch |
Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
| dispose |
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
| fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
| getCustomConfigurationUI |
Gets the custom configuration UI for the specified export provider from the server.
| getExportResultUrl |
Gets the URL that can be used to get the result of an export.
| getExports |
Gets the exports generated by the account specified by the identifier.
| getPaperSize |
Gets the default paper size from the session's culture.
| getQueuedExports |
Gets the export requests which are currently queued for the session specified.
| getService |
Gets the requested service.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
| onLoaded |
Called when the service is loaded.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
| performExport |
Performs an export of a View.
| queryExports |
Gets the exports corresponding to the query criteria.
| subscribe |
Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
| subscribeOnce |
Subscribe a one time handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
| toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
| trigger |
Triggers an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
| unbind |
Unsubscribe an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |