FileSystemService.queryRevisions Method

Gets the file revisions corresponding to query criteria.



Type: Object
The options to query. Structure
 entryId                 [type: String] - The ID of the file or folder query for revisions.
 queryOptions            [type: dundas.filesystem.FileSystemQueryOptions] - (optional) The query options.
 pageNumber              [type: Number] - (default=0) The page number. Set to 0 for all pages.
 pageSize                [type: Number] - (default=150) The number of results in each page.
 orderBy                 [type: Array, elementType: dundas.filesystem.RevisionOrderBy] - (optional) The sort order of the result, or null if the order does not matter.
 filter                  [type: Array, elementType: dundas.filesystem.RevisionQueryFilterRule] - (optional) The filter options for the result, or null if the filtering does not matter.

Return Value

Type: jQuery.Promise
Value: Array
Element Value: RevisionInfo
A promise object that is resolved when the call is complete. If successful, an array of dundas.filesystem.RevisionInfo is returned.