 | baseLicenseId |
Gets or sets the ID of a license on which the license represented by this instance depends.
 | cpuCoreCount |
Gets or sets the CPU core count provided by the license.
 | description |
Gets or sets the description of the license.
 | expires |
Gets or sets the date/time when the license expires.
 | featureIds |
Gets or sets a collection containing IDs of any features which are enabled by the license.
 | floatingDeveloperSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of floating developer seats provided by the license.
 | floatingPowerUserSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of floating Power User seats provided by the license.
 | floatingStandardUserSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of floating Standard User seats provided by the license.
 | id |
Gets or sets the ID of the license.
 | instanceWideCpuCoreCount |
Gets or sets the Instance Wide CPU core count provided by the license.
 | licensee |
Gets or sets the licensee of the license.
 | licenseKind |
Gets or sets the kind of license.
 | licenseVersion |
Gets or sets the version of the license.
 | oemLicensee |
Gets or sets the name of the Dundas partner or OEM provider which is distributing the license.
 | productVersion |
Gets or sets the highest major version of the software on which the license will work.
 | releaseKind |
Gets or sets the kind of the release that the license works with.
 | replacedLicenseIds |
Gets or sets a collection containing IDs of any licenses which are replaced by this license.
 | reservedDeveloperSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of reserved developer seats provided by the license.
 | reservedPowerUserSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of reserved Power User seats provided by the license.
 | reservedStandardUserSeatAllowance |
Gets or sets the number of reserved Standard User seats provided by the license.
 | serverCount |
Gets or sets the number of servers provided by the license.
 | status |
Gets the status of the license.
 | watermarkText |
Gets or sets the watermark text to show on top of any dashboards and reports.