 | accountId |
Gets or sets ID of the logging account.
 | channel |
Gets or sets the log channel.
 | level |
Gets or sets the log level of the entry.
 | logTime |
Gets or sets the UTC time the entry was logged.
 | message |
Gets or sets the log message.
 | messageId |
Gets or sets the numeric identifier for the message.
 | processId |
Gets or sets the ID of the logging process.
 | sequenceNumber |
Gets a sequence number for the message, indicating the order in which it was logged relative to other log entries.
 | sessionId |
Gets or sets the ID of the logging session.
 | source |
Gets or sets the log source.
 | tenantId |
Gets or sets ID of the logging tenant.
 | threadId |
Gets or sets the ID of the logging thread.