 | category |
Gets the category of the condition.
 | customStateIds |
Gets or sets the custom state Ids of the condition.
 | measure |
Gets or sets the unique name of the measure used in the condition.
 | metricSetId |
Gets or sets Id the metric set of the condition.
 | missingDataPolicy |
Gets or sets the missing data policy.
 | name |
Gets or sets the condition name.
 | parameterValues |
Gets or sets the parameter values for the condition.
 | pollingCondition |
Gets or sets the polling condition of the data driven condition.
 | sourceStates |
Gets or sets the source states of the condition.
 | targetCells |
Gets or sets the target cells of the condition.
 | targetCellsAggregator |
Gets or sets the aggregator to apply when more than one measure is selected.
 | targetStates |
Gets or sets the target states of the condition.