 | dailyPatternInterval |
Gets or sets the number of repeatable day periods for the schedule.
 | dayOfMonth |
(Obsolete) Gets or sets the day of the month for the schedule. This property is obsolete, use 'daysOfMonth' instead.
 | dayOfWeek |
Gets or sets the day of the week for the schedule used in a "The [First] [Monday] of [January, February...]" pattern.
 | daysOfMonth |
Gets or sets the days of the month for the schedule.
 | description |
Gets or sets the schedule description.
 | endDate |
Gets or sets the end date for the schedule.
 | endPolicy |
Gets or sets how the schedule ends.
 | firstOrLastDaysOfMonth |
Gets or sets the number of repeatable first or last day periods for the schedule.
 | hasRecurrence |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the schedule has an intra-day recurrence defined.
 | isDstAdjusted |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the daylight savings time adjustments should be applied.
 | isEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the job for this schedule is enabled or not.
 | isRecurrencePattern |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the recurrence is a pattern, rather than set times.
 | monthlyPatternKind |
Gets or sets whether an ordinal day of the month or specific day of a certain week of a month should be selected.
 | nthSpecificDayOfMonth |
Gets or sets the ordinal number of the day in a month.
 | numberOfOccurrences |
Gets or sets the number of occurrences for the schedule.
 | occurrences |
Gets or sets the occurrences - the list of specific running times of the day.
 | patternType |
Gets or sets the type of the schedule pattern.
 | recurrenceEndTime |
Gets or sets the recurrence end time.
 | recurrenceInterval |
Gets or sets the recurrence interval, which could be in hours or minutes, depending on RecurrenceIntervalKind.
 | recurrenceIntervalKind |
Gets or sets the recurrence interval (hours or minutes) in an "Every N [period]" pattern.
 | recurrenceStartTime |
Gets or sets the recurrence start time.
 | specificDaysOfWeek |
Gets or sets the selected days of the week for the schedule.
 | specificMonths |
Gets the selected months for the schedule used in a "Day N of the following month(s): January, February etc." pattern.
 | startTime |
Gets or sets the start time for the schedule.
 | timeZoneId |
Gets or sets the schedule's time zone.
 | weeklyPatternInterval |
Gets or sets the number of repeatable week periods for the schedule.