 | accountDisplayName |
Gets or sets the display name of the Account associated with the session.
 | accountId |
Gets or sets the ID of the Account associated with the session.
 | accountName |
Gets or sets the unique name of the Account associated with the session.
 | applicationPrivilegeIds |
Gets or sets the IDs of application privileges effectively granted to the session.
 | createdTime |
Gets the time (UTC) the session was created.
 | cultureName |
Gets or sets the name of the culture associated with the session.
 | customAttributes |
Gets or sets the session's explicitly assigned custom attributes.
 | federatedAuthenticationProviderId |
Gets or sets the ID of the federated authentication provider which created the session.
 | groupMembershipIds |
Gets or sets the session's explicitly assigned group membership IDs.
 | id |
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the session.
 | impersonationKind |
Gets or sets the kind of impersonation associated with the session.
 | impersonationSessionId |
Gets or sets the ID of the session impersonating or impersonated by this session.
 | ipAddress |
Gets or sets the IP address associated with the session, if available.
 | isAdministrator |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this session has administrator privileges.
 | isAnonymousAccount |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this session is for the Anonymous account.
 | isSeatReserved |
Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether the seat for this session is reserved.
 | isTenantAdministrator |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this session has tenant administrator privileges.
 | isWindowsAccount |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this session is for a windows account.
 | lastActivityTime |
Gets the time (UTC) of the session's last activity, or DateTime.MinValue if there has
been no activity.
 | seatKind |
Gets or sets the kind of seat this session is in.
 | sessionKind |
Gets or sets the session kind.
 | tenantExpiryDate |
Gets the date/time (UTC) when the tenant associated with the session expires.
 | tenantId |
Gets or sets the ID of the Tenant associated with the session.
 | timeZoneDisplayName |
Gets or sets the time zone display name associated with the session.
 | timeZoneId |
Gets or sets the name of the time zone ID associated with the session.
 | userData |
Gets or sets the session's explicitly assigned user data items.
 | validUntil |
Gets the valid until time (UTC) of the session.
 | windowsGroupAccountMembershipIds |
Gets or sets the session's explicitly assigned windows group account membership IDs.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getSeatKindUIFilterTypes |
Returns the filter types for the seat kind for this session.
These should be the main entities which the user can work with (not resources).
This filter is applied for the recent activity, and all open/new dialogs, as well as main app search.
 | getSeatKindUIViewableFilterTypes |
Similar to getSeatKindUIFilterTypes, except this method returns items which can be viewed, although perhaps not created, by the seat kind.
This filter is used for the file explorer when it's not given an explicit filter.
 | hasPrivilege |
Checks if the account that this session is for has the specified privilege or not.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | toRawString |
Converts this object to an unescaped string. Used mainly for inputs.
 | toString |
Converts this object to an HTML escaped string.