dundas.transfer.ImportConfig Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the ImportConfig. Called during construction.


  Name Description
accountIds Gets or sets the Account ID list.
appSettingTransferSpecs Gets or sets the app setting transfer specs list.
builtInResourceIds Gets or sets the Built-In Resource ID list.
customAttributeIds Gets or sets the Custom Attribute ID list.
fileSystemEntryIds Gets or sets the File System Entry ID list.
groupIds Gets or sets the Group ID list.
groupMembershipTransferPolicy Gets or sets the group membership transfer policy.
importEntityTransferVersionPolicy Gets or sets the entity transfer version policy.
includeCheckedOutEntityRevisions Gets or sets the include checked out entity revisions flag.
includeContextualData Gets or sets the include contextual data flag.
includeCubeData Gets or sets the include cube data flag.
includeCustomAttributes Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the custom attributes shall be imported.
includePublishHistories Gets or sets a value of the include publish histories flag.
includeReferencedItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items which are referenced to the import items shall be imported.
includeResourceData Gets or sets the include resource data flag.
includeSchedules Gets or sets a value of the include schedules flag.
includeUserInputEntries Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user input entries such as annotations and value corrections shall be imported.
includeUserProjects Gets or sets a value indicating whether user projects shall be imported. shall be imported.
notificationIds Gets or sets the Notification ID list.
overwriteDataConnectorSettings Gets or sets the overwrite Data Connector Settings flag.
source Gets or sets the file source.
staticResourceIds Gets or sets the Static Resource ID list.
tenantIds Gets or set the tenant ID list.
transferFileId Gets or sets the file ID.
transferFileUncPath Gets or sets the file UNC path.
TransferFileUri Gets or sets the file URL.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.