 | animationDuration |
Gets or sets the length of the transition between hiding and showing the tooltip in milliseconds.
 | arrow |
Gets the jQuery wrapper for the element used to render the tooltip arrow.
 | arrowOffsetX |
Distance in pixels to horizontally offset the tooltip from the tooltip arrow.
 | arrowOffsetY |
Distance in pixels to vertically offset the tooltip from the tooltip arrow.
 | arrowType |
Gets or sets the arrow shown on the tooltip.
 | container |
Gets the jQuery wrapper for the element used to render the tooltip.
 | content |
Gets the jQuery wrapper for the element used to render the tooltip content.
 | maximumWidth |
Gets or sets the maximum width in pixels.
 | state |
Gets the current rendering state of the tooltip.
 | x |
Gets or sets the desired horizontal location of the tooltip in pixels.
 | y |
Gets or sets the desired vertical location of the tooltip in pixels.
 | zIndex |
Gets or sets the z-index to apply to the container.