 | actionType |
Gets the type of the action. This value is used by the server to identify the brush type.
This value cannot be set in JavaScript. Instead, the derived class type should be used.
Inherited from dundas.view.Action.
 | clearDataInputSources |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data input sources should be cleared, if possible, after doing the data input.
 | dataCubeId |
Gets or sets the ID of the data cube which will have the data input done on it.
 | friendlyName |
Gets or sets the friendly name of this action which is what is shown to the end user.
Inherited from dundas.view.Action.
 | id |
Gets or sets the ID of this action.
Inherited from dundas.view.Action.
 | inputMappings |
Gets or sets the input mappings where the key is the unique name of the column to set the value to, and the value is the ID of the adapter or view parameter to use as a source.
 | name |
Gets or sets the name of this action for script, which may change, but must be unique within the other actions
on the adapter property.
Inherited from dundas.view.Action.
 | refreshAdapterId |
Gets or sets the ID of the adapter to refresh after the data input operation has finished.
This property is now obsolete and refreshAdapterIds should be used instead.
 | refreshAdapterIds |
Gets or sets the IDs of the adapters to refresh after the data input operation has finished.
 | transformId |
Gets or sets the ID of the data input transform which will have the data input done on it.