 | elementUsageUniqueName |
Gets or sets the unique name of the element usage to uniquely
identify the measure or hierarchy usage of a metric set to bind
to part of the control adapter.
 | id |
Gets or sets a unique ID for this binding instance.
 | levelUniqueName |
Gets or sets the optional level unique name associated with this element originally.
This is only set if a level was specifically used to create this binding, in order for top level depth to work properly.
 | targetId |
Gets or sets the ID referring to part of the control adapter to bind data to (such as a chart series).
See dundas.view.controls.Adapter.getAvailableBindings.
 | targetName |
Gets or sets the display name of the part of the control adapter that this binding is attached to.
See dundas.view.controls.Adapter.getAvailableBindings.