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Image.loadData Method

Called when the adapter should load data, either for the first time or a refresh. Returns a jQuery.Deferred object. Implementers of this method should call this._super() first to get the deferred object to return as a promise.



Type: Object
     saveScrollPosition           [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Saves the scroll position of applicable controls.
     loadWhenHidden               [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) By default, adapters will not load their data if they are not visible
                                                                              (either directly, or because they are on a hidden layer). Setting this to true will force it.
     keepDrillDown                [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Saves the expanded and collapsed member sets of the adapter (only applies to certain controls). 
     expandCollapse               [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Indicates a call as a result of expanding or collapsing a hierarchy member (only applies to certain controls).
     keepDataBindingPanelHidden   [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Does not open the data binding panel when data loads.
     resetPaging                  [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Recalculate page size of applicable controls if the size of the result may have changed.
     canvasResized                [type: Boolean, optional: true]           - (optional) Indicates the canvas has been resized.

Optional: True

Return Value

Type: jQuery.Deferred
A deferred object that is resolved once the data is returned, and the adapter has processed it.