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dundas.view.controls.PageBreak Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the adapter. Called during construction. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.


  Name Description
alignedAdapterIds Gets or sets the IDs of the adapters which this adapter is aligned with. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
alignedAxes Gets or sets an array of objects indicating items that share data with another item. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
allowedReVisualizingAdapterObjectNames Gets or sets the allowed fully qualified name of adapters to be shown when the user wants to re-visualize an adapter, along with an optional adapter data information separated by a '|'. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
ariaLabel Gets or sets an accessible name or short description to apply to the container element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
ariaLabelledBy Gets or sets the ID of an adapter providing content to use as an accessible name. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
autoVisualizedControlData Gets or sets the serialized JSON of this adapter's control from when it was first automatically visualized for comparison, to allow a new automatic visualization if it has not been changed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
autoVisualizedControlInfo Gets the control information used to automatically visualize to this instance. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
baseViewService Gets the base view service. This might be a dundas.views.BaseViewViewService or derivation thereof if this adapter is on a View entity. A way to check is to duck-type for .currentView. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
blurActions Gets or sets the blur actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
clickActions Gets or sets the click actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
container Gets or sets the container DIV element which holds the DOM control element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
contextMenuShowingActions Gets or sets the context menu showing actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
control Gets or sets the control object that this adapter is "wrapping." Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
controlData Gets the underlying control's data (stringified version of whatever it wants to save). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
currentDataBindingPanelMetricSetBinding Gets a value that has the current data binding panel's metric set binding, if any. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
currentDataBindingPanelMetricSetBindingOrFirst Gets a value that has the current data binding panel's metric set binding, if any, otherwise it returns the first metric set binding on this adapter, if any. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
cursor Gets or sets the mouse cursor for the adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
dataAutoRefreshInterval Gets or sets a value indicating the number of seconds that should elapse before the adapter should auto-refresh its data. If the value is null or 0, the control will not auto-refresh. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
dataChangedActions Gets or sets the data change actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
dataErrorActions Gets or sets the data error actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
disableAutoLoadData Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter should auto-load it's data when the view loads. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
disabledApplicationPrivileges Gets or sets the disabled application privileges. This is a list of each application privilege ID which should be disabled regardless of the user's application-wide privilege. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
disableLoadingScreen Gets or sets a value indicating whether the loading screen should automatically show for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
disableNoDataIndicator Gets or sets a value specifying whether a no data overlay should be shown on this adapter when an empty data result is returned. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
dockLocation Gets or sets the dock position. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
doubleClickActions Gets or sets the double click actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
focusActions Gets or sets the focus actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontColor Gets or sets the font color for the adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontFamily Gets or sets the font family for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontSize Gets or sets the font size for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontStyle Gets or sets the font style for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontVariant Gets or sets the font variant for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fontWeight Gets or sets the font weight for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
friendlyName Gets or sets the friendly name for this adapter which is the name shown to the end user. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
groupId Gets or sets the ID of the group that this adapter belongs to. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
height Gets or sets the height value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
hidden Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is hidden. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hoverActions Gets or sets the hover actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
id Gets or sets the ID for this adapter (constant, unique). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
isActuallyVisible Gets the value to indicate whether or not this adapter is actually visible. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isContainerDataBindingPanelOpen Gets a value indicating whether this adapter's or its parent's data binding panel is open or not. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isDataBindingPanelOpen Gets a value indicating whether the data binding panel is open or not. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
isFirstDataLoaded Gets a value indicating whether the first loading of data has completed for this instance. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isInputSaveRequired Gets or sets a value indicating whether data was input that has not been saved. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isInTemplate Gets or sets if this adapter is part of a canvas template. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
isSelfAlignedByParent Gets or sets a value indicating whether aligned axes are grouped by their parent when the adapter is used in a repeater. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
isSimplePropertyPanelOpen Gets a value indicating whether the simple property panel is open or not. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
lastLoadDataPromise Gets the promise object of the last loadData call. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
layerId Gets or sets the ID of the layer that this adapter belongs to. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
left Gets or sets the left value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
legendId Gets or sets the ID of the legend that this adapter is using. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
lineHeight Gets or sets the line-height for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
locked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is locked. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
maxHeight Gets and sets the value to for maximum height. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
maxWidth Gets and sets the value to for maximum width. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
metricSetBindings Gets or sets the bindings for this adapter (see dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding). The bindings link to metric sets. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseDownActions Gets or sets the mouse-down or mobile touch actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseEnterActions Gets or sets the mouse-enter actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseHoldActions Gets or sets the mouse-hold or mobile long touch actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseLeaveActions Gets or sets the mouse-leave actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseMoveActions Gets or sets the mouse-move actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
mouseUpActions Gets or sets the mouse-up or mobile touch end actions for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
name Gets or sets the name for this adapter to be used in script. This name may change, but must be unique. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
noDataActions Gets or sets the no data actions on this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
opacity Gets or sets the percentage of opacity for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
originalId Gets the original ID for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
originalName Gets the original name for this adapter to be used in script. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
parameterValueChangedActions Gets or sets the actions for when the parameter value is changed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
parentAdapter Gets the parent adapter of this adapter (if any). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
parentView Gets the parent view of this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
parentVisualization Gets the parent adapter if this adapter is embedded within another visualization. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
positionKind Gets or sets the positioning kind of this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
repeaterContext Gets or sets the repeater context information. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
repeaterGroupingHierarchies Gets the grouping hierarchies used to group this adapter when used in a repeater. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
repeaterGroupingValues Gets the grouping hierarchy member values provide this adapter's context when used in a repeater. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
reVisualizedActions Gets or sets the actions for when the adapter has re-visualized. These actions are executed on the new adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
reVisualizingActions Gets or sets the actions for when the adapter is about to re-visualize. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
tabIndex Gets or sets the tab-index value. By default this is null which doesn't apply any value for tab-index. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
templateCellId Gets or sets the template cell ID. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
textDecoration Gets or sets the text decoration for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
textTransform Gets or sets the text-transform for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
tooltipDelay Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after hovering over this adapter with a mouse before its tooltip is displayed. This is generally only used by non-data (getSupportedSettings().isDataSupported) adapters, and will be ignored for data adapters as they have custom properties for more complex tooltips. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
tooltipText Gets or sets the text tooltip for this adapter. This is generally only used by non-data (getSupportedSettings().isDataSupported) adapters, and will be ignored for data adapters as they have custom properties for more complex tooltips. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
top Gets or sets the top value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.
viewParameterIds Gets or sets the View Parameter IDs that this adapter sets the value of (if, for example, it's a parameter enabled control). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
viewService Gets the view service. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
width Gets or sets the width value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
zIndex Gets or sets the z-index value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.


  Name Description
applyDefaultTheme Applies the default theme to this adapter if there is a default theme. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
applyParameterValue Applies the given ParameterValue to all view parameters that are on this adapter. This call does not cause a data refresh. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
applyStyle Applies the given style to the control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
attach Attaches the container of this adapter to the target element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
autoVisualize Automatically re-visualizes this adapter if it was originally visualized automatically and has not been customized or saved and re-loaded since created. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
canAcceptStyle Returns whether or not this adapter can support the given style. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
cancelLoadData Cancels all outstanding load data requests. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
checkAutoVisualizationState Updates the auto-visualization state of this adapter based on whether it has changed since the last time it was set or updated. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
clearAutoVisualizationState Clears the auto-visualization state of this adapter if it had any. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dataSelect Called when the adapter should enter data select mode. This means that left-clicking on the adapter will select a point rather than run an action. All actions will be disabled while this mode is on. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose This must be called when the adapter is being removed from the screen to avoid leaks. Inherited from dundas.Component.
freeze Specifies whether the control should freeze (stop loading data when things change) or not. This is useful when many data changes need to occur, and it's not desired to load data during each change. Calling freeze(false) will de-activate freeze, wait on any pending deferreds (for example, from generateMetricSetBindings), and then call loadData when everything is finished. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
generateBindings Asks the adapter to create/update the bindings on the given MetricSetBinding. The _super method should be called first if automatic adding/removal is desired from metricSetBindings property, and bindings created/removed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
generateMetricSetBinding Generates a metric set binding for this adapter and bindings for it from a metric set. This is useful when an element is dropped somewhere and a metric set binding and the bindings should be generated. Data is not retrieved for this call, the bindings are just generated, unless auto load is specified. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
generateMetricSetBindingFromNode Generates a metric set binding (on the server) from a given node. This is useful when an element is dropped somewhere and a metric set binding and the bindings should be generated. Data is not retrieved for this call, the bindings are just generated. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getAlignableAxes Returns the collection of data alignable items in the adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getAriaElement Gets the element on which to set to ARIA attributes. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getAriaRole Gets an ARIA role that supports an accessible name to assign this instance's container element if an ARIA label has been set. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getAvailableBindings Gets the available bindings for this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getBackgroundAbsoluteBound Gets the position of this adapter in dundas.controls.CoordinateKind.BACKGROUND. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getBoundVisuals Gets the available bound visuals for a given metric set binding. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getContainedAdapters Get adapters within this adapter, if this adapter is a container control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getContext Gets the context from the adapter based on the given information. This context can be used to provide contextual toolbar and property grid experiences. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getContextualCommands Gets the contextual toolbar commands. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getControlProperties Called to get the object with the list of properties on the root control, or any sub-element of the control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getDetailsLevelDepthValueByHierarchyUniqueName Gets the details level depth of the hierarchy specified by unique name. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getEffectiveAriaLabel Gets an ARIA label to assign this instance's container element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getHitTestArguments Gets event information relative to the control that can be passed to its hit testing method, for identifying which part of the control a user interacted with. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getLevelDepthValuesByHierarchyUniqueName Gets the top and details level depths of the hierarchy specified by unique name. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getParameterValue Gets the current value (last set value) of this adapter. If a parameter value has been changed independently of this adapter, the value may not match. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
getStyle Gets an object that represents the current style of the control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getSupportedParameterValueTypes If this control supports parameter value selection, this method should be overridden to specify the types over parameter values it can provide. This will return a flags enum. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getSupportedSettings Gets the settings for the supported operations of this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getTemplateCell Retrieve the template cell adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
getViewParameters Gets the view parameter objects from the IDs on this adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hideAlignmentBindingPanel Hides the alignment binding panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hideAnnotationListPopup Hides the annotation list popup. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hideDataBindingPanel Hides the data binding panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hideNoDataIndicator Hides any existing no data indicator which is on the adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
hideSimplePropertyPanel Hides the simple property panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
input Called when the adapter should enter input mode. This can be used for data input within the data cube, or a contextual measure. Data corrections do not use this method. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
loadData Called when the adapter should load data, either for the first time or a refresh. Returns a jQuery.Deferred object. Implementers of this method should call this._super() first to get the deferred object to return as a promise. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
metricSetBindingsChanged Notifies the adapter the bindings collection on a metric set binding was changed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onBlur Called when a focus event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onBoundVisualChanged Called when the bound visual is changed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onBrushViewParameterChanged Called when the parentView.brushViewParameter has changed. The new parameter value is given. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onClick Called when a click occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onContextMenuShowing Called when the context menu is about to show. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onDataChanged Called when data changes. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onDataError Called when data changes. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onDataInputChanged Called when data input changes after having called the input method to activate it. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onDOMDetach Called when the adapter is detached from the DOM. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onDOMReattach Called when the adapter is reattached to the DOM. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onDoubleClick Called when a double click occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onFocus Called when a focus event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onHover Called when a hover occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onLoaded Called when the adapter is loaded and set up. The control should be set up by the adapter now and added to the container element. Implementers of this method must call this._super() at the end if they want actions and events to be automatically set up. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onMetricSetBindingChanged Notifies the adapter that the metric set binding has changed. The adapter or the view may perform additional tasks in response. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMetricSetChanged Notifies the adapter that one of its metric sets has been changed. The adapter or the view may perform additional tasks in response. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseDown Called when a mouse down or a mobile touch event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseEnter Called when a mouseenter event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseHold Called when a mouse hold or a mobile long touch event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseLeave Called when a mouseleave event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseMove Called when a mousemove event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onMouseUp Called when a mouse up or a mobile touch ends event occurs on the element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onNoData Called when data changes and there is no data present. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onParameterValueChanged Called when the parameter value for this adapter is changed (all of this.viewParameter values have changed). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
onPropertyChanged Called when a property is changed on the adapter. This will not be called during a bulk change, as those properties are set via direct sets to avoid this event firing. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onStatesChanged Called when the metric set's states have changed. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
parseControl Called to instruct the adapter to set the control up based on the stringified version. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
refreshContainerDataBindingPanelContent Refreshes the content of this adapter's or its parent's data binding panel if currently open for this instance. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
refreshDataBindingPanelContent Refreshes the content of the data binding panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
refreshPropertyGridWithContext Refresh property grid, if necessary, while keeping the last known context and state of the property grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
registerAnnotationListPopup Shows the annotation list popup. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
revisualize Called when a request occurs to re-visualize this adapter as a different control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
setAsAutoVisualized Sets this adapter as auto-visualized including its current state, so that it can be automatically re-visualized again if no further changes are made. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showAlignmentBindingPanel Shows the alignment binding panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showAnnotationListPopup Shows the annotation list popup. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showDataBindingPanel Shows the data binding panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showDataRegionStatistics Shows statistics for the specified measures and regions of a data result in the application's taskbar. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showNoDataIndicator Shows a no data indicator on top of the adapter. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showOrRefreshDataBindingPanel Shows the data binding panel or refreshes its contents if already open for this adapter or its parent. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
showSimplePropertyPanel Shows the simple properties panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
stringifyControl Called to instruct this adapter to get a stringified version of the underlying control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
subscribeDisposedEvent Subscribe a handler for the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
suppressNextPropertyChangedEvent Prevents property changed event to be fired next time a property is set. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
tempDetach Temporarily detaches the container of the adapter off the DOM, all events are retained. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
updateAutoVisualizationState Updates this adapter based on its current state if it is currently considered auto-visualized so that it can be automatically re-visualized again if no further changes are made. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.