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ParameterRangeNumericUpDown.getHitTestArguments Method

Gets event information relative to the control that can be passed to its hit testing method, for identifying which part of the control a user interacted with.



Type: jQuery.Event
The original event object with information about the user's interaction.

Return Value

Type: Object
A plain object with properties:
     offsetX     [type: Number, mayBeNull: true]  - The horizontal pixel coordinate relative to the control before scaling.
     offsetY     [type: Number, mayBeNull: true]  - The vertical pixel coordinate relative to the control before scaling.
     pageX       [type: Number, mayBeNull: true]  - The horizontal pixel coordinate relative to the page after scaling.
     pageY       [type: Number, mayBeNull: true]  - The vertical pixel coordinate relative to the page after scaling.
     target      [type: Element, mayBeNull: true] - The topmost DOM element located at the event coordinates.