| actionsSlide |
Gets or sets the slide actions.
| actionsValueChanged |
Gets or sets the value changed actions.
| alignedAdapterIds |
Gets or sets the IDs of the adapters which this adapter is aligned with.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| alignedAxes |
Gets or sets an array of objects indicating items that share data with another item.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| allowedReVisualizingAdapterObjectNames |
Gets or sets the allowed fully qualified name of adapters to be shown when the user wants to re-visualize an adapter, along with an optional
adapter data information separated by a '|'.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| ariaLabel |
Gets or sets an accessible name or short description to apply to the container element.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| ariaLabelledBy |
Gets or sets the ID of an adapter providing content to use as an accessible name.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| autoVisualizedControlData |
Gets or sets the serialized JSON of this adapter's control from when it was first automatically visualized
for comparison, to allow a new automatic visualization if it has not been changed.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| autoVisualizedControlInfo |
Gets the control information used to automatically visualize to this instance.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| baseViewService |
Gets the base view service. This might be a dundas.views.BaseViewViewService or derivation thereof if this adapter
is on a View entity. A way to check is to duck-type for .currentView.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| blurActions |
Gets or sets the blur actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| clickActions |
Gets or sets the click actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| container |
Gets or sets the container DIV element which holds the DOM control element.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| contextMenuShowingActions |
Gets or sets the context menu showing actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| control |
Gets the slider control displayed by this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| controlData |
Gets the underlying control's data (stringified version of whatever it wants to save).
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| currentDataBindingPanelMetricSetBinding |
Gets a value that has the current data binding panel's metric set binding, if any.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| currentDataBindingPanelMetricSetBindingOrFirst |
Gets a value that has the current data binding panel's metric set binding, if any, otherwise it returns
the first metric set binding on this adapter, if any.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| cursor |
Gets or sets the mouse cursor for the adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| dataAutoRefreshInterval |
Gets or sets a value indicating the number of seconds that should elapse before the adapter should auto-refresh its data.
If the value is null or 0, the control will not auto-refresh.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| dataChangedActions |
Gets or sets the data change actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| dataErrorActions |
Gets or sets the data error actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| disableAutoLoadData |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter should auto-load it's data when the view loads.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| disabledApplicationPrivileges |
Gets or sets the disabled application privileges. This is a list of each application privilege ID which should be disabled regardless of the user's application-wide privilege.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| disableLoadingScreen |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the loading screen should automatically show for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| disableNoDataIndicator |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether a no data overlay should be shown on this adapter when an empty
data result is returned.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| dockLocation |
Gets or sets the dock position.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| doubleClickActions |
Gets or sets the double click actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| focusActions |
Gets or sets the focus actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontColor |
Gets or sets the font color for the adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontFamily |
Gets or sets the font family for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontSize |
Gets or sets the font size for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontStyle |
Gets or sets the font style for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontVariant |
Gets or sets the font variant for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| fontWeight |
Gets or sets the font weight for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| friendlyName |
Gets or sets the friendly name for this adapter which is the name shown to the end user.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| groupId |
Gets or sets the ID of the group that this adapter belongs to.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| handleActiveBackground |
Gets or sets the active background brush of the handle(s) in the control.
| handleActiveBorder |
Gets or sets the active border of the handle in the control.
| handleActiveBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the active box-shadow of the handle(s) in the control.
| handleActiveHeight |
Gets or sets the active height of the handle in the control.
| handleActiveWidth |
Gets or sets the active width of the handle in the control.
| handleCursor |
Gets or sets the cursor of the slider handles in the control.
| handleRestBackground |
Gets or sets the background brush of the rest handle(s) in the control.
| handleRestBorder |
Gets or sets the rest border of the handle in the control.
| handleRestBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the box-shadow of the handle(s) in the control.
| handleRestHeight |
Gets or sets the rest height of the handle in the control.
| handleRestWidth |
Gets or sets the rest width of the handle in the control.
| height |
Gets or sets the height value.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| hidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is hidden.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| hideHandleTooltip |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip shown on the handle should be hidden or not.
| hoverActions |
Gets or sets the hover actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| id |
Gets or sets the ID for this adapter (constant, unique).
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| isActuallyVisible |
Gets the value to indicate whether or not this adapter is actually visible.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isContainerDataBindingPanelOpen |
Gets a value indicating whether this adapter's or its parent's data binding panel is open or not.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isDataBindingPanelOpen |
Gets a value indicating whether the data binding panel is open or not.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isDisposed |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed.
Inherited from dundas.Component.
| isFirstDataLoaded |
Gets a value indicating whether the first loading of data has completed for this instance.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isInputSaveRequired |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether data was input that has not been saved.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isInTemplate |
Gets or sets if this adapter is part of a canvas template.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| isMinMaxLabelsShown |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the min / max labels should be shown or not.
| isSelfAlignedByParent |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether aligned axes are grouped by their parent
when the adapter is used in a repeater.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| isSimplePropertyPanelOpen |
Gets a value indicating whether the simple property panel is open or not.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| lastLoadDataPromise |
Gets the promise object of the last loadData call.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| layerId |
Gets or sets the ID of the layer that this adapter belongs to.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| left |
Gets or sets the left value.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| legendId |
Gets or sets the ID of the legend that this adapter is using.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| lineHeight |
Gets or sets the line-height for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| locked |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is locked.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| maxHeight |
Gets and sets the value to for maximum height.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| maxWidth |
Gets and sets the value to for maximum width.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| metricSetBindings |
Gets or sets the bindings for this adapter (see dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding).
The bindings link to metric sets.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseDownActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-down or mobile touch actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseEnterActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-enter actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseHoldActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-hold or mobile long touch actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseLeaveActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-leave actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseMoveActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-move actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| mouseUpActions |
Gets or sets the mouse-up or mobile touch end actions for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| name |
Gets or sets the name for this adapter to be used in script. This name may change, but must
be unique.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| noDataActions |
Gets or sets the no data actions on this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| opacity |
Gets or sets the percentage of opacity for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| originalId |
Gets the original ID for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| originalName |
Gets the original name for this adapter to be used in script.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| parameterValueChangedActions |
Gets or sets the actions for when the parameter value is changed.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| parentAdapter |
Gets the parent adapter of this adapter (if any).
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| parentView |
Gets the parent view of this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| parentVisualization |
Gets the parent adapter if this adapter is embedded within another visualization.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| positionKind |
Gets or sets the positioning kind of this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| rangeBackground |
Gets or sets the background brush of the range in the control.
| rangeBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the range in the control.
| rangeDisplay |
Gets or sets the range display of the slider in the control.
| rangeThickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the range in the control.
| rangeType |
Gets the range type of the control.
| repeaterContext |
Gets or sets the repeater context information.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| repeaterGroupingHierarchies |
Gets the grouping hierarchies used to group this adapter when used in a repeater.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| repeaterGroupingValues |
Gets the grouping hierarchy member values provide this adapter's context when used in a repeater.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| reVisualizedActions |
Gets or sets the actions for when the adapter has re-visualized.
These actions are executed on the new adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| reVisualizingActions |
Gets or sets the actions for when the adapter is about to re-visualize.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| site |
Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of.
Inherited from dundas.Component.
| sliderBackground |
Gets or sets the background brush of the slider in the control.
| sliderBorder |
Gets or sets the border of the slider in the control.
| sliderBoxShadow |
Gets or sets the box shadow of the slider in the control.
| sliderOrientation |
Gets or sets the orientation of the control.
| sliderOverflow |
Gets or sets the overflow of the slider in the control. May be desired when slider BorderRadius is large.
| sliderThickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the slider in the control.
| tabIndex |
Gets or sets the tab-index value.
By default this is null which doesn't apply any value for tab-index.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| templateCellId |
Gets or sets the template cell ID.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| textDecoration |
Gets or sets the text decoration for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| textTransform |
Gets or sets the text-transform for this adapter.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| tooltipDelay |
Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after hovering over this adapter with a mouse before its tooltip is displayed.
This is generally only used by non-data (getSupportedSettings().isDataSupported) adapters, and will be ignored for data adapters
as they have custom properties for more complex tooltips.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| tooltipText |
Gets or sets the text tooltip for this adapter.
This is generally only used by non-data (getSupportedSettings().isDataSupported) adapters, and will be ignored for data adapters
as they have custom properties for more complex tooltips.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| top |
Gets or sets the top value.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| uniqueId |
Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site.
Inherited from dundas.Component.
| valueFirst |
Gets or sets the first value of the control.
| valueMax |
Gets or sets the maximum value of the control.
| valueMin |
Gets or sets the minimum value of the control.
| valueSecond |
Gets or sets the second value of the control.
| valueStep |
Gets or sets the step value of the control.
| viewParameterIds |
Gets or sets the View Parameter IDs that this adapter sets the value of (if, for example, it's a parameter enabled
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| viewService |
Gets the view service.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.
| width |
Gets or sets the width value.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
| zIndex |
Gets or sets the z-index value.
Inherited from dundas.view.controls.Adapter.