 | addLayer |
Add a layer to the current canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | addMenuLayer |
Add a menu layer.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | addNextAdhocTemplateCell |
Adds and returns the new template cell for the ad hoc dashboard when a new visual is being added.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | addParameterAdapter |
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | adjustCellSpacing |
Adjusts the spacing between template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | align |
Align the selected objects.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | bind |
Subscribe a handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | borderHint |
Border highlight the adapters or view models. Unhighlight any previously highlighted items
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | bringForward |
Send the selected objects forward.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | centerView |
Centers the view on the canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | changeSelection |
Notify this service that selection state has been modified.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | clearBorderHint |
Clear all border hinted adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | clearGetViewModelCache |
Clear the cache for storing all view models.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | clearHighlight |
Clear all highlighted adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | clearTemplate |
Clears all templates used.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | clearTemplateCellHighlight |
Clears the template cell highlight.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | copy |
Copy the selected adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createAdapterReplacementCommand |
Create a command to replace (insert replacer, then remove replacee) an existing adapter with another adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createAdaptersHistoriesCommand |
Create a command to take a snapshot of the adapter. This function is slow, but reliable in restoring the state of an adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createAdapterViewModel |
Creates an adapter view model that can be added to the canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createAddLayersCommand |
Create a command that creates layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createArrangeCommand |
Creates a command that does all sorts of arrangements. Null if arrangement is not possible.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createCanvas |
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createCanvasObjectCore |
Perform minimal operation for creation of a design object.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createCanvasObjects |
Add the specified adapters to the canvas. This action is undo-able.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createCanvasTransaction |
Create a transaction that the canvas will respond to.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createDelegate |
Helper for creating delegate functions.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | createDeleteCommand |
Create a command to delete adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createDetachTemplateCommand |
Create a command to detach the template.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createGroupCommand |
Create a group command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createGroupTemplateCellsCommand |
Create a command to ungroup a template cell group.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createHideLayersCommand |
Create a command to hide layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createLockLayersCommand |
Create a command to lock layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createMergeCommand |
Create a Merge command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createModalViewCommand |
Creates the modal view command which will either enter or exist depending on the current state.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createModifyColumnWidthCommand |
Create a command that changes the width of a column in a template grid.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createModifyRowHeightCommand |
Create a command that changes the height of a row in a template grid.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createNudgeCommand |
Create a command that will nudge the adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createPropertyChangeCommand |
Create a command that sets properties.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createRemoveLayersCommand |
Create a command that removes layers from the canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createSelectTemplateCellGroupCommand |
Create a command to select the template cell group.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createSetSameSizeCommand |
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createShowLayersCommand |
Create a command to show layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createSplitCommand |
Create a split command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createTimeout |
Creates a timeout.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | createUngroupCommand |
Create and undoable command that removes groups.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createUngroupTemplateCellsCommand |
Create a command to ungroup a template cell group.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | createUnlockLayersCommand |
Create a command to unlock layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | cut |
Cut the selected adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | deleteLayers |
Deletes a layer from the current canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | detachTemplate |
Detach the template.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | dispatch |
Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | dispose |
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | distribute |
Equally distribute the spacing between the selected objects.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | executeCommand |
Executes a command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | generateTemplateCells |
Generate a set of template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getAdapter |
Given the coordinates, gets the closest adapter that contains the coordinates (if any).
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getAllGroups |
Get a dictionary of all groups and their adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getAllLayers |
Get all layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getAllViewModels |
Retrieve all view models. Group members of a group will be omitted.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getBackgroundAbsoluteBound |
Retrieves the background absolute bounds for an adapter or view model.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getCenter |
Gets the center coordinate of the current view.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getColumnWidth |
Get the width of the column.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getGroup |
Retrieve a group, or a set of groups.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getLayerByName |
Get layer.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getLayersByFriendlyName |
Get layers by friendly name.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getLayersByIds |
Get layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getObstructedAdapters |
Get any adapters under the boundary an obstructing adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getRowHeight |
Get the height of the row.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getSelectedAdapters |
Get all selected adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getSelectedDesignObjectViewModels |
Get all the selected Design Object view models.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getSelectedLayers |
Get the currently selected layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getSelectionContextualCommands |
Get the contextual commands.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getService |
Gets the requested service.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | getSnappyDotTargets |
Retrieves the targets for snappy dots to be applied on.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getTemplateCell |
Given the coordinates, gets the closest template cell that contains the coordinates (if any).
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getTemplateCellById |
Retrieve the template cell view model by the ID.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getTemplateCells |
Retrieve the template cells view models.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getTemplateCellsByPage |
Retrieve the template cells of the desired page.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getUnderlyingAdapters |
Get any adapters that is under a certain point.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getUnderlyingTemplateCells |
Get the template cell that is under a certain point.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getViewModelByName |
Retrieve a view model by its name.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getViewModelsById |
Get the view models of the adapters or groups.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getViewModelsOfAdapters |
Get the view models of the adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getViewModelsOfLayer |
Get the view models of the specified layer.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getViewModelsOfTemplateCell |
Get the view models of the specified template cell.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | getVision |
Get the current vision;
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | group |
Group the selected adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | groupTemplateCells |
Group a set of template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | hideDropZones |
Hides the drop zones for the adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | hideLayers |
Hide layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | hideViewPanel |
Hide the view panel.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | highlight |
Highlight the adapters or view models. Unhighlight any previously highlighted items
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | highlightTemplateCell |
Given the coordinates, highlight the template cell that contains the coordinates.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | initializeAdhocTemplateCells |
Adds the initial template grid cells for the ad hoc dashboard.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | insertEditModeInteractable |
Insert some interact-able content to the canvas while it is in edit mode. This will render sub-selection not usable.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | invalidateAdhocTemplate |
Invalidates the template by checking to ensure every cell has content and remove those that do not, and ensuring each adapter has a cell.
This is a heavy call as it will re-create the entire template grid every time.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | isAdapterSelected |
Check if an adapter is selected.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | isAdhocDashboardFull |
Checks if the ad hoc dashboard is full as the number of visualizations that can be added is limited.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | loadCanvas |
Load a canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | loadSubCanvas |
Create a new canvas and load a View into it.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | loadTemplate |
Loads a template into the current canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | lockLayers |
Lock layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | mergeSelectedTemplateCells |
Merges the selected template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | modifyColumnWidth |
Change the width of a column in a template grid.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | modifyRowHeight |
Change the height of a row in a template grid.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | notifySubcanvasHiddenChanged |
Notify that this sub-canvas is being hidden/unhidden
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | nudge |
Move the adapters by some amount.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | onLoaded |
Called when the service is loaded.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | paste |
Paste the adapters stored in the clipboard.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | redo |
Redo a command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | refreshSelectionContext |
Refresh the selection context. So that the selections are reselected, and associated contextual controls are refreshed.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | releaseAdapterContextFocus |
Releasing a context focus on the current context-focused adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | releaseModalAdapter |
Set the canvas out of modal view mode.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | removeCanvasObjectCore |
Perform minimal operation for removal of a design object.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | removeCanvasObjects |
Removes objects from the canvas. This action is undo-able.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | removeParameterAdapter |
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | removeTemplate |
Removes the template, and position all design objects not in the template absolutely relative to the background.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | replaceAdapter |
Replace an existing adapter with another adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | saveCanvas |
Prepares the canvas for saving.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | scrollIntoView |
Best effort to try to scroll the canvas so that all of the viewmodels are visible
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | select |
Select the specified objects.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | selectAll |
Selects all controls.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | sendBackward |
Send the selected objects backward.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | sendToLayer |
Sends a viewmodel to a target layer and/or target cell.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setAdapterContextFocus |
Set a context focus on the adapters, thereby disabling selection on all adapters except for the provided ones, and altering
them visually to put them out of context of whatever the current work flow.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setGroupPosition |
Sets the group's position.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setGroupProperty |
Sets a group's property.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setGroupVisibility |
Sets the group's visibility.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setLayersArrangement |
Changes the layers arrangements.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setModalAdapter |
Set the canvas into modal view mode with the specified adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setSameSize |
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setSelectedLayers |
Set the selected layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setTemplate |
Sets a template.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setTemplateCells |
Sets a template.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | setVision |
Sets the current vision of the canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | showDropZone |
Show drop zones for the adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | showLayers |
Show layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | showViewPanel |
Show the view panel.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | splitSelectedTemplateCells |
Splits the selected template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribe |
Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | subscribeAdapterChanged |
Set a handler to handle the event when one more adapters gets deleted or created. The event has a property changedAdapters that will provide information on what adapters has been created or deleted.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeAdapterInputEvents |
Subscribe input event handlers for adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeAdapterReplaced |
Subscribe a handler to the adapter replaced event.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeCanvasLoaded |
Subscribe a handler to the Canvas loaded event.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeContextFocusChanged |
Subscribe/Unsubscribe an event handler to the selection changed event.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeEditViewModeChanged |
Subscribe an event handler for View Mode Changed event.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeOnce |
Subscribe a one time handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | subscribeSelectionChanged |
Subscribe/Unsubscribe an event handler to the selection changed event.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | subscribeSubcanvasHiddenChanged |
Set a handler to handle the event when this sub-canvas becomes hidden by the parent canvas.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | takeAdaptersSnapshot |
Take a snapshot of the adapter specified as the key of .
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | toggleTempSnapState |
Toggle the temp snap state on or off.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | trigger |
Triggers an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | unbind |
Unsubscribe an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | undo |
Undo a command.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | ungroup |
Ungroup the selected adapters.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | ungroupTemplateCells |
Ungroup a set of template cells.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |
 | unlockLayers |
Unlock layers.
Inherited from dundas.views.CanvasService. |