EmbeddedViewService.embedView Method

Embeds a view (dashboard, report, etc.) in the given DOM element. Each embed method can only be called once. If another item is to be embedded, create a new embed service (and optionally dispose of this one) and use it to embed the new item.



Type: String
The ID of the view to use.

Type: Object
     viewType                [type: dundas.entities.ViewType, optional: true]                - (optional) By default, dundas.entities.ViewType.DASHBOARD is used. But if
                                                                                                 the ID is from another type it must be provided.

     viewOverrides           [type: dundas.view.controls.ViewOverrides, optional: true]      - (optional) The view overrides to apply to the view before it loads, if provided.

Optional: True

Return Value

Type: jQuery.Promise
A promise object that is resolved when the call is complete.