 | addFilter |
Adds a filter to the repeater.
 | addFontFamilyOption |
Lists the specified text as an option when setting Font Family properties through the UI.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | addViewParameter |
Add a view parameter to the view.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | autoSave |
Performs the auto-save. This will be resolved even if auto-save isn't required. Rejection if a save was required, and it failed, or if this was called at an inappropriate time
(i.e. when edit mode is false).
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | autoSaveCheck |
If auto-save functionality is used, this must be overridden by a deriving view service to return the current state (whether to auto-save or not).
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | bind |
Subscribe a handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | changeSelectionContext |
Notify this service that adapters have been multi-selected.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | checkParameterDeletionForViewParameter |
When called with a list of adapters, if any of those adapters are parameter controls, it will prompt
the user to also delete the associated view parameters.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | closeAllViewInlinePopups |
Closes all the inline popups which are registered.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | createDelegate |
Helper for creating delegate functions.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | createTimeout |
Creates a timeout.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | dispatch |
Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | dispose |
Disposes the component.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | disposeAllViewInlinePopups |
Close and destroy all inline popups.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | findDockableByType |
Finds the dockable with the given type.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getAdapterPageCoordinates |
Gets the page coordinates from an adapter.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | getAllViewInlinePopups |
Returns a copy of the list of all view inline popups that are currently registered.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | getFontFamilyOptions |
Gets the font family options added using addFontFamilyOption.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | getService |
Gets the requested service.
Inherited from dundas.Component. |
 | getViewParameterSnapshotDefaultValue |
Gets the last known snapshot parameter value, if it exists,for the given view parameter ID.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | isViewParameterDefaultSnapshotValue |
Checks if the given view parameter currently has the same value as the original snapshot (i.e. is displaying the default value).
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | load |
Loads a view.
 | loadInitialAdapterData |
Calls the loadData method for every adapter in adapters and
returns a promise that is resolved when all adapters have finished loading data.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | onLoaded |
Called when the service is loaded.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | onMetricSetChanged |
Takes actions required in response to a metric set change. This may result in modifications
to this and other metric sets.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | openAllViewInlinePopups |
Opens all the inline popups which are registered.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | refreshAllViewInlinePopupContent |
Called when outside entities require the view inline panel to re-draw its contents from scratch. This may be a heavy call.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | refreshDataPreview |
Refreshes the data preview. This needs to be called after selection has changed on the dashboard.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | refreshFirstLoadDataResults |
Refreshes the first load data results based on the current adapters within the canvas adapter (this.currentView and the template, if any).
This call will also place the yellow '!' if any warnings are detected.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | refreshPropertyGrid |
Refreshes the property grid.
This needs to be called after properties are changed on the business object, as the property grid will not be aware.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | refreshScriptEditor |
Refreshes the script editor to show the specified script action, or the first script action found on whatever is selected.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | registerViewInlinePopup |
Registers a popup with the view.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | reload |
Reloads the current view to have the UI reflect any changes in the adapter or entity.
This call may be expensive and should only be called if you know what you're doing.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | removeFilter | |
 | removeViewInlinePopup |
Removes the given view inline popup from the tracked list.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | removeViewParameter |
Removes a view parameter from the view.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | resizeDockableAreas |
Called to tell the dockable areas to re-size.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | save |
Saves the current report that is being worked on.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | selectDockableByType |
Finds the dockable with the given type, and selects it (expands it, or shows it if already expanded).
If the dockable is on the taskbar, it will be moved to a dockable area.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | setupCanvasEvents |
Should be called to have the dashboard view service listen to various canvas events.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseCanvasViewService. |
 | setupMainMenuEvents |
Should be called to have the dashboard view service listen to various main menu events.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | snapshotViewParameterDefaults |
Takes a snapshot of the current view parameter defaults to use them as the 'revert to original' (default) option
so users can easily go back to the initial state of their filter values.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewViewService. |
 | startAutoSave |
When called, will start a timer to constantly auto-save the backing object of the current view.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | subscribe |
Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | subscribeOnce |
Subscribe a one time handler for an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | takeAdaptersSnapshot |
Take a snapshot of the adapter specified as the key of .
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | trigger |
Triggers an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | unbind |
Unsubscribe an event.
Inherited from dundas.Service. |
 | updateHistoryState |
Updates the current history state, entity URL and optionally pushes into the history.
Inherited from dundas.views.BaseViewService. |