 | activeEmbeddedViewService |
Gets or sets the current active embedded view service.
All primary base view service and other calls will route through this service, and it should be set before showing any dialogs.
 | baseViewService |
Gets the base view service.
This may return the embedded context's base view service if a dashboard context has been set.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | baseViewViewService |
Gets the base view view service.
This may return the embedded context's base view service if a dashboard context has been set.
 | canvasService |
Gets the canvas service.
This may return the embedded context's canvas service if a dashboard context has been set.
 | currentDialogShown |
Gets a value with the current dialog being shown. This is a shortcut method
provided to help custom screen implementers.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | currentPage |
Gets the current page.
This may return the embedded context's baseViewService.currentPage if a dashboard context has been set.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | currentProjectId |
Gets the current context project ID (the current project the user is working with).
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | currentSession |
Gets the current context session.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | currentSessionId |
Gets the current context session ID.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | dundasBIUrl |
Gets or sets the full URL for the Dundas BI instance to use. It should contain a trailing /.
 | hasNoCookieSession |
Gets a value indicating whether the session ID has been overriden and not present in a cookie.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | isEmbedded |
Gets a value indicating that this context is embedded.
 | originalQueryString |
Gets a value with the original query string of the raw request on the server. If a shortlink was used, then the longlink's query string is
is the value, not the shortlink's.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | rootContainer |
Gets the root container for all services and components for the bootstrap (see dundas.Container).
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | rootServices |
Gets the root holder of all services for the bootstrap (see dundas.ServiceContainer).
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap.
 | callWebApi |
Calls the server web API with the specified path, payload, and type.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | createAdhocDashboard |
Creates an ad hoc dashboard in the given DOM element.
 | createEmbeddedViewService |
Creates and adds an embedded view service which is only required when multiple items are embedded.
 | embedMetricSet |
Gets a metric set and embeds it in the given DOM element.
 | embedView |
Embeds a view (dashboard, report, etc.) in the given DOM element.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | getService |
Gets a service by the supplied service type from rootServices.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | getTopWindow |
Gets the top-most window that is a Dundas BI window container. This might be the one on this window, but it may also be the parent (if it's embedded).
This might not be window.top if it's in an iframe which is not a Dundas BI container.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | getWindow |
Gets the window associated with this bootstrap's context.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | invalidateCurrentSession |
Forces the bootstrap to re-populate the currentSession property from the server.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | onMessage |
This method should be called when window postMessage is invoked to allow communication cross domain.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | onReady |
Called after the base bootstrap has finished logic for ready() call (no callbacks),
but has not yet resolved the listeners. This should be overridden by derived classes to do logic when
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | onResize |
This method should be called when the window re-sizes. There should only be 1 handler for re-size, and this should be the one handling it.
Anyone overriding this method must called this._super() for the base re-sizing to work.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | overrideSession |
Method used to override the session to ignore the session storage.
This should mostly be used by third party integrators who want to use the JavaScript API without actually
running the web app, or to do things like augment the current application privileges for the UI without actually changing them on the server.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | overrideSessionId |
Method used to override the session ID to ignore the cookie.
This should mostly be used by third party integrators who want to use the JavaScript API without actually
running the web app.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | ready |
Sets a callback for when the bootstrap has loaded the screen.
Anyone overriding this method must call the base.
Inherited from dundas.Bootstrap. |
 | setSessionId |
Configures the bootstrap environment with the given session ID.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |