IGroupServiceModifyGroupMembershipForAccount Method

Modifies the list of groups to which an account belongs.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
OperationResult ModifyGroupMembershipForAccount(
	Guid accountId,
	ICollection<Guid>? addToGroupIds,
	ICollection<Guid>? removeFromGroupIds


Type: SystemGuid
The ID of the account to be modified.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
Group IDs which this account to be added to. It can be if no groups to add to.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
Group IDs which this account to be removed from. It can be if no groups to remove from.

Return Value

Type: OperationResult
An object describing the result of the operation.
ArgumentExceptionaccountId is Empty.

The account with the specified ID does not exist.


addToGroupIds or removeFromGroupIds contains the ID of a group which does not exist.


Attempt to modify the membership of a system-controlled group (see remarks).


Same group ID found in both addToGroupIds and removeFromGroupIds.


A tenant account is being added as a member of the System Administrators group.

NotSupportedExceptionThe underlying groups provider does not allow modifications to groups.

The caller does not have system administration privileges.


The account is associated with a tenant, and the caller does not have administration privileges for that tenant.


The account is associated with a tenant, and an attempt has been made to make it a member of a group which is not associated with that tenant.


The caller does not have administration privileges for all the specified groups.

InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
This method will throw InvalidOperationException if an attempt is made to modify system-controlled groups. System-controlled groups include the Everyone and Global Users groups as well as any Tenant Members groups.
See Also