IGroupServiceModifyGroupMembershipForGroup Method

Modifies the list of members for a group.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
OperationResult ModifyGroupMembershipForGroup(
	Guid groupId,
	ICollection<Guid>? accountsToAddIds,
	ICollection<Guid>? accountsToRemoveIds,
	ICollection<Guid>? groupsToAddIds,
	ICollection<Guid>? groupsToRemoveIds


Type: SystemGuid
ID of the group to be modified.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
IDs of accounts to be added to the group. if no accounts to be added.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
IDs of accounts to be removed from the group. if no accounts to be removed.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
IDs of groups to be added to the group. if no groups to be added.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
IDs of groups to be removed from the group. if no groups to be removed.

Return Value

Type: OperationResult
An object describing the result of the operation.
ArgumentExceptiongroupId is Empty.

The group with the specified ID does not exist.


accountsToAddIds, groupsToAddIds or groupsToRemoveIds contains the ID of an account or group which does not exist.


Attempt to modify the membership of a system-controlled group (see remarks).


Same account ID found in both accountsToAddIds and accountsToRemoveIds.


Same group ID found in both groupsToAddIds and groupsToRemoveIds.


groupsToAddIds contains groupId or the ID of a group which is an explicit or inherited parent of groupId and causes a circular group membership.


A tenant account or group is being added as a member of the System Administrators group.

NotSupportedExceptionThe underlying groups provider does not allow modifications to groups.

The caller does not have system administration privileges.


The group is associated with a project, and the caller does not have administration privileges for that project.


The group is associated with a tenant, and the caller does not have administration privileges for that tenant.


The group is associated with a tenant, and an attempt has been made to add a member which is not associated with that tenant.

InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
This method will throw InvalidOperationException if an attempt is made to modify system-controlled groups. System-controlled groups include the Everyone group as well as any Tenant Members groups.
See Also