IStyleServiceSave Method (Style, String, Guid, EntityCreationOptions) |
Namespace: Dundas.BI.Entities.Views.Styles
Exception | Condition |
InvalidOperationException | An existing style is being overwritten, but it could not be checked out to the caller. -or- An existing style is not being overwritten, but the provided instance has already been saved at least once. |
ArgumentException | name is , empty, only consists of whitespace, or contains invalid characters. -or- parentId is Empty. |
ArgumentNullException | instance is . |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | name is longer than MaxNameLength. |
NotFoundException | The specified parent does not exist. |
DuplicateItemException | An item with the same name already exists in the specified location, the overwrite option has not been specified, and automatic name generation has not been specified. |
QuotaExceededException | The quota limit for the corresponding entity type was exceeded. |
ReferencedItemException | The overwrite or automatic name generation options have not been specified, and an item with the same name already exists at the specified location, but that item could not be automatically deleted because it is referenced by other items. |
FeatureNotEnabledException | A required feature of the application is not enabled. |
NoPrivilegeException | The caller does not have access to overwrite or save to the specified location. -or- The entity being saved is not a dashboard and the caller's seat kind is not PowerUser or better. |
InvalidSessionException | The caller context is not associated with a valid session. |
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When overwriting an existing style, this method behaves in a special way. Rather than the existing style being deleted and replaced, it will instead be updated. In order for this to work, the following logic takes place: If the existing style is already checked out to the caller, it is simply updated; if the existing style is checked out to another user, an exception is thrown; otherwise, the existing style is automatically checked-out to the caller and then checked in again once the update is complete. |