Dundas.BI.Data Namespace

Public classDataConnectionException
The exception that is thrown when the data connection cannot be established.
Public classDataConstants
Constants pertaining to data-related functionality.
Public classDataDiscoveryException
Exception that occurs when the data structure cannot be discovered.
Public classDataProviderException
The exception that is caused by the data provider exception that we cannot categorize.
Public classDataProviderLoadException
The exception that is thrown when the data provider cannot be loaded because it requires third party drivers to be installed.
Public classDbDataReaderExtensions
Provides extension methods for DbDataReader objects.
Public classInvalidProviderException
The exception that is thrown when there was an error loading the provider.
Public classInvalidSchemaException
The exception that is thrown when there is an issue with the schema being set.
Public classProviderReaderException
The exception that is thrown when there was an error reading data.
Public interfaceIComponentService
Interface used for the process component service factory.
Public enumerationAggregatorFunctions
The in-memory aggregators supported by the application.
Public enumerationDatabaseType
Represents the database type supported by the application.
Public enumerationDateTimeGranularity
Represents supported granularities for calendar values.
Public enumerationLogicalOperator
The supported logical operators.
Public enumerationProgressStepType
Enumeration used for reporting the main steps taken when retrieving business data.
Public enumerationSingleRecordRepresentationType
Enumeration that contains the supported rules for single record representation.
Public enumerationValueTextCategory
The supported categories for parameter value captions.